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Saturday, January 25, 2014

An Economy With A Human Purpose

Maryland’s Nation-Leading Progress

Yesterday, Governor O’Malley delivered his eighth State of the State address, focused on our work as a State over the last seven years to be fiscally-responsible, strengthen and grow our middle class and create jobs for more Maryland families.

Throughout the speech, the Governor spoke about a central pillar to our progress as a State: accountability. He pointed out that the test of any policy, action, or expenditure has been whether or not it is actually working to produce the intended results.

We see the results of that test in the presence of a Maryland family, an Eastern Shore manufacturer, and a community college president, all of whom have benefited from strategic policy actions established just last year: The Veteran’s Full Employment Act and the EARN Maryland Program.



  1. just ask the Hudsons how they feel about their taxes paying for this propaganda

  2. What a lying POS. Strengthen the middle class by taxing us out of existence. Grow families by making abortion and gay marriage a top priority. Create more jobs by running business out of state? Wow, what a true moron. He is supremely qualified for a top cabinet position under Hillary.

  3. The problem is that enough propel believe this crap


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