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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Santa's House Needs Your Help In Worcester County

Farewell ride?
Worcester holiday charity Santa House losing its home Jan. 15

SNOW HILL — A longtime Worcester County charity providing holiday gifts for hundreds of local families is losing its headquarters and may have to shut down if it can’t find a new home.

For more than a decade, Worcester County officials have allowed Santa House to use, at no cost to the organization, an 8,000-square-foot warehouse in Snow Hill for storage and office space.

Effective Jan. 15, the county’s Department of Liquor Control is reclaiming the space, and will use it to house bulk liquor purchases.

“There’s nothing to fight,” said Dena Holloway, who runs Santa House. “They’ve been kind enough to let us stay here for 13 years, for free. I’ve never had to pay an electric bill, never had to pay anything.”


Publishers Notes: I think it's important you know that this organization is NOT looking for a similar volume of space. I was told they need something like a 40 x 40 space, should you or someone you know be willing to donate some space for a really great cause. 

Motorist Checkpoint In Reading Draws Questions

A private firm with a federal contract - and backed up by city police - forced motorists off Laurel Street and into a private parking lot Friday to question them about their driving habits and ask for a swab of their mouth.

"I feel this incident is a gross abuse of power on many levels," Reading resident Ricardo Nieves, one of those stopped, told City Council Monday.

He said federal and local tax dollars were being used to stop innocent people without probable cause, and allow a private company to hire uniformed police to force citizens to listen to their questions.

He said he wasn't told what the swab was for, but added, "Clearly it was for DNA."

Target Investigates Breach Involving Credit Card Data

SAN FRANCISCO — Target is investigating a security breach involving stolen credit card and debit card information for millions of its customers, according to one person involved in the investigation.

The breach, which was first reported Wednesday by Brian Krebs, a security blogger, began the day after Thanksgiving, and may be continuing, according to the person involved in the investigation, who spoke only on condition of anonymity.

It is unclear whether Target’s online customers were affected. Cybercriminals appear to have focused on the point-of-sale systems in Target’s retail stores, which collect information from customers’ credit and debit cards, and potentially personal identification numbers, or PINs.

Americans Will Hold Obamacare Responsible For Health Care System'

At the time President Obama pushed his health care law, 80 percent of Americans were already satisfied with their medical care. This was what motivated his rhetoric that under his program, people who liked their plans and their doctors could keep them.

But the reality of Obamacare is that it seeks to make the system work better for some Americans by imposing burdens on other Americans. The hope among Democrats was that those who benefited from the law would far outnumber those who had their care disrupted.

As of now, it’s the worst of both worlds for Obamacare. On the one hand, millions of Americans have seen disruptions to the health care experience — such as losing their coverage, doctors, and seeing their premiums spike. But the botched rollout of the insurance exchanges has made it harder for potential beneficiaries to actually benefit.


Rieder: A Ringing Rejection Of NSA Surveillance

A judge's ruling that NSA snooping is probably unconstitutional shows the impact of Edward Snowden.

Many commentators were critical when Timemagazine picked Pope Francis rather than National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden as its Person of the Year.

But Snowden got quite a consolation prize Monday when U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled that the NSA's collection of the phone records of millions of Americans is probably unconstitutional.

Snowden says he didn't think the government's massive surveillance would stand up to a challenge in court, and that was in part why he leaked the classified government documents that exposed them.

"How could it not vindicate him?" asks Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who led the way on the Snowden story with his articles in the British newspaper The Guardian.



Only 31 percent of employed Americans work a 40-hour week, a new Rasmussen national telephone survey suggests.

The survey, conducted this past week, found that 40 percent of Americans now work more than 40 hours per week, including nine percent who work more than 50 hours per week.

Last May, Rasmussen found that 33 percent of Americans worked more than 40 hours per week, including 11 percent who worked more than 50 hours weekly. The most recent survey suggests that, in just seven months, the number of Americans working more than 40 hours per week has increased.

Former Dem Pollster: Dems Could Lose Senate Because Of Obamacare

(CNSNews.com) - Former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell says the midterm election could be a "rolling disaster" for Democrats.

"I think they would lose the Senate today," Caddell told Fox News's Stuart Varney on Monday.

"You wouldn't have thought so in October, when the shutdown occurred, before Obamacare took effect and the Republicans were shooting themselves in the foot," he said. "But the Obamacare thing gets worse and worse. Perception is reality. And this reality is pretty grim..."

For Democrats, the "real problem" with Obamacare is that "people lost insurance, are losing it, are not finding the insurance they want," Caddell said.

"The one lie of the year -- maybe of the decade -- if you like your health insurance, you can keep it, if you like your doctor, you can keep it, that doesn't go away. That needs to be drilled over and over for the Republicans.



Republican Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma, who just released his annual "Wastebook," calls it a "compilation of about $30 billion of stupidity, incompetence, and waste."

This amount of waste is particularly high considering the Ryan-Murray budget could only muster up 23 billion in budget cuts over the next ten years. Coburn says this is the “fifth or sixth” year that he has been doing the book.

Coburn told CBS news:
Other congressman don’t pay attention to it [The Wastebook] because it is hard work to get rid of junk. Its hard work to do oversight, its hard work to hold the agencies accountable, so what they would rather do is look good at home, get re-elected and continue to spend money. And that’s Republican and Democrats alike.

George Zimmerman painting nears $100G on eBay

A painting by George Zimmerman is going for nearly six-figures on the online-auction site eBay.

Florida’s infamous neighborhood watchman is trying to pull himself out of debt by selling his original artwork online.

His first piece — a blue American flag with some choice words from the Pledge of Allegiance, including “Liberty and justice for all” — went from an initial bid of 99 cents to $99,966 as of early Tuesday. Bidding ends on Dec. 21.


Budget Deal Wins Final Approval In Senate

Senate passes two-year budget bill, in 64-36 vote, sending it to President Obama’s desk -- amid opposition to military retiree benefit cuts.


Expanded Medicaid’s Fine Print Holds Surprise: ‘Payback’ From Estate After Death

As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule.

It wasn’t the moonlight, holiday-season euphoria or family pressure that made Sofia Prins and Gary Balhorn, both 62, suddenly decide to get married.

It was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

The way Prins saw it, that meant health insurance via Medicaid is hardly “free” for Washington residents 55 or older. It’s a loan, one whose payback requirements aren’t well advertised. And it penalizes people who, despite having a low income, have managed to keep a home or some savings they hope to pass to heirs, Prins said.

With an estimated 223,000 adults seeking health insurance headed toward Washington’s expanded Medicaid program over the next three years, the state’s estate-recovery rules, which allow collection of nearly all medical expenses, have come under fire.


Loverboy, with Special Guest, The Reagan Years to Perform Springfest 2014

(December 18, 2013) – It’s not too late to purchase a special stocking stuffer for your loved one this holiday season. Beginning Friday, December 20, tickets will be on sale for Loverboy, with special guest The Reagan Years, who will join Merle Haggard and The Fabulous Hubcaps as headliners at the 24thAnnual Springfest in May 2014.

For more than 30 years, Loverboy has been “Working for the Weekend” and delighting audiences around the world. With their trademark red leather pants, bandannas, big rock sound and high-energy live shows, Loverboy has sold more than 10 million albums, earning four multi-platinum plaques, including the four-million-selling Get Lucky. In the 1980s, they were MTV darlings with videos for hits like “Lovin’ Every Minute of
It,” “Hot Girls in Love,” and “Turn Me Loose.” Throughout the years, the band has maintained a steady road presence, releasing a greatest hits compilation, LOVERBOY – CLASSICS, in 1993, which went gold.


Sen. Coburn: Government Wasted $30 Billion In 2013

Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has released his annual Wastebook, detailing the 100 leading examples of government waste — amounting to $30 billion this year.

The congressional watchdog said that one of the primary offenders for trashing federal money was the disastrous launch of the Affordable Care Act website HealthCare.gov, which cost at least $319 million.

Millions more were wasted on ads in various states for President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, including a campaign featuring an Elvis impersonator in Colorado, where Wastebook 2013 says only 4,000 people enrolled, one of whom turned out to be a dog named Baxter.


Senate Dems Block Amendment To Restore Veteran Benefits By Closing Illegal Immigrant Welfare Loophole

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.

“Removing this unbalanced treatment of our military retirees ought to be one of the key actions we should take before this legislation moves forward. In fact, greater savings than this can be achieved by passing a legislative fix recommended by the Inspector General of the U.S. Treasury that would stop the IRS from improperly providing tax credits to illegal aliens,” Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions said Monday, announcing his co-sponsorship of Mississippi Republican Sen. Roger Wicker’s amendment to restore the military retirement benefits Monday.

Hard 2 Handle Sub Shop In Seaford

If you are into HUGE subs, well, there's nothing like Hard 2 Handle Sub Shop in Seaford.

I have always felt that IF the price seems to be high but you get what you pay for, AWESOME! That is the case here because a large sub, (all of them, hot or cold) are $13.00 each. 

Now, what do you get for that $13.00, TWO POUNDS OF MEAT! We ordered the Steak & Cheese Sub last night and while it was absolutely loaded with meat, it did lack lettuce and tomatoes. Other then that, WOW! No question this sub, (large, that is) is a two meal sub.

They are located at 304 High St. just past the Hospital on the right hand side heading west. They do offer smaller subs for $7.00 and I would definitely go back again. It's a bit of a ride but when and if your in the mood for a really great sub this is the place to go. 


Wet-Lipped Psychopaths

I am seated in front of the Optiplex, drinking Padre Kino red and garnering insight. The garnering is tough these days. Still, to this end nothing is so effective as cheap Mexican wine at thirty-nine cents a trainload. My stepdaughter says “Google, lo sabe todo,” Google knows everything. Ah, but Padre Kino, the Great Purple Father, understandeth everything.

All right, the news. I should know better than to read it, but I don’t. First I encounter a sententious suit-and-tie federal civil-serpent from NSA saying the Edward Snowden has endangered the national security of the United States, eeeek. At this, I shuddered and began mentally designing a bomb shelter.

But then I wondered how, precisely, are Americans now endangered? Is there a massed invasion fleet of Arab swordsmen poised to devastate North Carolina, and we need to read their tactical codes? I pictured Winston-Salem savaged by scimitar-wielding, hashish-smoking maniacs on weird double-humped camels. These be parlous times, methought.

Or are Yemeni nuclear forces readying a first strike? Maybe this was the problem. As delivery systems they could use FedEx and UPS.


The Free Market Is The Best Economic System

Pope Francis, in his apostolic exhortation, levied charges against free market capitalism, denying that “economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world” and concluding that “this opinion … has never been confirmed by the facts.” He went on to label unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny.” Let’s look at the pope’s tragic vision.

First, I acknowledge that capitalism fails miserably when compared with heaven or a utopia. Any earthly system is going to come up short in such a comparison. However, mankind must make choices among alternative economic systems that actually exist on earth. For the common man, capitalism is superior to any system yet devised to deal with his everyday needs and desires.


Big Dem Cities, Big Dem Poverty

On Sunday’s ABC This Week telecast, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich squared off with former Clinton Labor secretary Robert Reich, who tried to blame the increase in poverty over the last five years on the GOP. “Here’s the baloney,” Gingrich fired back. “Every major city which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats. Every major city. Their policies have failed, they’re not willing to admit and the fact is it’s the poor who suffer from bad government.” Unfortunately for the millions of Americans, Gingrich is right on the money. Here is a breakdown of the ten cities with populations above 250,000 that have borne the brunt of Democratic ideology.

St. Louis’s poverty rate is 26 percent overall, and four-in-ten children live in poverty. Like Detroit, the city has experienced a major population decline, from 850,000 in the mid-20th century to 318,000 in 2013. Last year’s Annual Performance Report gave the city’s public schools a rating of 24.6 percent on a scale of zero to 100 percent. The city, which is also reeling from $640 million in unfunded pension liabilities, is currently rated the third most dangerous large city in the nation. St. Louis’s current mayor is Francis G. Slay, who has served since 2001. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor in St. Louis since 1949.


Camden, New Jersey: One Of Hundreds Of U.S. Cities That Are Turning Into Rotting, Decaying Hellholes

All over America, formerly prosperous communities are being transformed into crime-infested wastelands of poverty and despair. Of course the most famous example of this is Detroit. At one time, Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city that the world had ever seen and it had the highest per capita income in the entire country. But now it has become a rotting, decaying hellhole that the rest of the planet laughs at. And of course Detroit is far from alone. There are hundreds of other U.S. cities that are suffering a similar fate. In this article, the focus is going to be on Camden, New Jersey, but the truth is that there are lots of other "Detroits" and "Camdens" all over the nation. Jobs and businesses are leaving our cities at a staggering rate, and what is being left behind is poverty, crime and extreme desperation.

Earlier this month, Rolling Stone published an article that took a hard look at the nightmare conditions that exist in Camden. A city that once made Campbell's soup and some of this nation's most famous warships is now a national disgrace. The following are six of the best quotes out of that article...


The US Budget "Deal" Summarized (In One Cartoon)

Context is key...

A greater-than $1 trillion (spending) budget heralded as a triumph on the basis that they raised $20 billion in additional revenue (oh and spent an additional $63 billion in anti-sequester outflows).
And how the deal got done... Mother Jones explains... why military spending is the glue holding the budget deal together...

The House just passed the Ryan-Murray budget deal, signaling an unexpected end to the cycle of budget crises and fiscal hostage-taking. A few weeks ago, such an agreement seemed distant.Sequestration had few friends on the Hill, but the parties could not agree on how to ditch the automatic budget cuts to defense and domestic spending. Republicans had proposed increasing defense spending while taking more money from Obamacare and other social programs, while Democrats said they'd scale back the defense cuts in exchange for additional tax revenue. Those ideas were nonstarters: Following the government shutdown in October, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) called the idea of trading Social Security cuts for bigger defense budgets "stupid."


Democrats Have Maxed Out The Race Card

A skirmish on MSNBC underscores the new normal in Democratic thinking: If you disagree with Obama, you must be racist. That’s damaging our cultural fabric.

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. On Sunday I appeared as a guest on the Melissa Harris-Perry show to discuss the state of politics in America today. One of my fellow panelists, Angela Nye, observed:

“I was just thinking, to me, in 2010, the Republican infighting took a particularly dangerous tone because it wasn’t just about infighting anymore. It was about taking our country back with the resurrection of the Tea Party. And it was very, very racial, whether any of them will admit it or not.”


Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal

A provision cutting the pensions of military retirees in the bipartisan budget deal that the Senate will vote on this week does not exempt disabled veterans, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Disabled retirees were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, which could cost servicemembers up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.

The Free Beacon previously reported that military retirees under the age of 62 would receive 1 percentage point less in their annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in the plan crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

Drug Raid Accident Kills Young Mother

Woman struck by officer’s stray bullet

A botched drug raid led to the death of a young mother in Ohio last week, police claim.

Last Wednesday night, police in Chillicothe were on the verge of executing a heroin bust when 11-year Ross County Sheriff’s Patrol Sgt. Brett McKnight’s gun went off accidentally, killing 35-year-old Krystal Barrows who sat inside the home.

According to Matt Schmidt, legal counsel for the Ross County Sheriff’s department, it didn’t appear as though shots were fired at officers from within the trailer, although he did not physically witness the event.

The stray bullet passed through the outer wall, striking Barrows in the head and leaving her “in critical condition.” She died soon after at the Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.


Pennsylvanians Coerced Into Giving Cheek Swab At “Voluntary” Checkpoint

Private firm backed by police to intimidate motorists into submission

A supposedly “voluntary” survey checkpoint run by a private firm in Reading, Pennsylvania on behalf of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy caused outrage when residents said they were forced off the road into a car park and coerced into giving cheek swabs as a result of an intimidating police presence.

The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation was hired by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to run the checkpoint, during which motorists were quizzed about their driving habits.

Reading resident Ricardo Nieves said that he had to repeatedly refuse to take part in the survey over a 5 minute period before the was allowed to leave. Nieves noted that the presence of city police and a police car with flashing lights was designed to “intimidate motorists” into submission and “gave the checkpoint an air of authority it would not otherwise have had,” according to the Reading Eagle.


Homeland Security Watchdog Resigns Under Ethics Cloud, Gets New Job

The chief watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security has stepped down from his post under a gathering cloud of allegations about his own conduct -- and already has accepted another position in the department he used to oversee.

Charles Edwards, who served in the role of acting and deputy inspector general for the sprawling department, resigned days before he was set to testify in the Senate.

The IG office confirmed the departure in a brief statement to FoxNews.com, adding that his assistant will take his place in the interim.

"Mr. Edwards resigned. Mr. Carlton Mann is the Acting IG. We have no additional information at this time," the statement said.


The Somerset Co. Sheriff's Office Press Release 12-18-13

Stephen Kirwin Ent of Princess Anne, arrested 12-7-13 on warrants for 1st and 2nd degree burglary, malicious destruction of property, and theft under $10,000. The arrest was the result of a burglary investigation that occurred on July 5th , in the area of  PerryHawkin Rd,  where several weapons had been stolen. Ent was later held on a $20,000 bond.

Myeish Januior Gillette of Eden, criminal summons served 12-7-13 for theft less than 4100.00/ Gillette was released on signature pending court actions.

Jayson Broadus Coons of Westover, arrested 12-7-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Coons was held on a $500.00 bond.

Shawn Joseph Rybyzynske of Crisfield, arrested 12-8-13 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, and negligent driving. Rybyzynske was later released on citations pending court actions. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies in the area of Old State Road, Crisfield.

Suewaun Lanette Lewis of Princess Anne, arrested 12-8-13 on warrants for failing to appear in court. Lewis was later released on personal recognizance.

Tarsha Lynn Brooks of Snow Hill, criminal summons served for driving without a license, taking a vehicle without the owners consent, driving without a license, and negligent driving. Brooks was released on signature pending court actions.

Christopher Shawn Jester of Princess Anne, arrested 12-12-13 on a warrant for theft under $10,000. Jester was released on an unsecured bond.

Scott Michael Stier of Delmar, arrested 12-14-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Stier was released on a $5,000 unsecured bond.

Ashely Renee Hitch of Princess Anne, criminal summons served for 2nd degree assault. Hitch was released on signature pending court actions.

Shashawna Renee Johnson of Salisbury, arrested 12-17-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Johnson was released on a $10,000 unsecured bond.

Kevin lamont Whidbee of Parsonsburg, arrested 12-17-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Whidbee was released on a $10,000 unsecured bond.

Kris Edward Somers of Marion, arrested 12-17-13 on warrants for affray, disorderly conduct, disturbing school functions, 2nd degree assault, and failing to obey a lawful order. Somers was released on a $5,000 unsecured bond.

OBAMASCARE: Huge Premium Hikes Rock Employer-Insured Workers

Sharon Wilson, an office manager in Iowa, figured she would lock in a good deal on health care coverage for her five-person biofuels company by renewing its policy before Obamacare kicked in for 2014. But she balked when her agent came back with a 81 percent rate hike, anyway.

Her company, Prairie City-based Midwest Renewable Biofuels, had experienced rate hikes during her career, Ms. Wilson said, but not like this. Plus, the previous jumps were accompanied by explanations for why premiums were rising.



The ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee has put forward a budget amendment to avert proposed cuts to veterans’ benefits by closing a loophole that allows illegal immigrants to collect child tax credits.

Even though federal law bars illegal immigrants from collecting tax benefits like the earned income tax credit, the current child tax credit provision does not require a tax return to include a Social Security number, which means it’s possible for illegals to claim and get the benefits.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) filed the amendment late Monday hoping to salvage veteran and military retiree pension benefits that are reduced under the current budget agreement. The agreement passed the House of Representatives last week with broad bipartisan support and was being debated in the Senate Tuesday.

Wicomico Recreation’s Chess Tournament Returns February 1

Registration Open for Youth & Adults

Salisbury, MD
– Be the first to shout “Checkmate!” at Wicomico Recreation’s Youth & Adult Chess Tournament on Saturday, February 1 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. Registration is open now for this annual event.

Play will be divided into five divisions. Youth (ages 5-18) will be placed into elementary, middle and high school divisions and adults (ages 19 & up) will be placed into rated and unrated divisions. Adult play will begin at 8:30 a.m. and youth play will begin at 9 a.m. Each participant will be guaranteed three matches.

Players are encouraged to bring their own chess sets and clocks. Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each division. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Register in advance and save - advanced registration is $7 for youth and $12 for adults. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury; M-F, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.) or online atwww.WicomicoRecandParks.org.

On-site registration will also be available the morning of the event, $12 for youth and $17 for adults. Those registering on-site should arrive a half-hour before play begins.

For more information, please contact Katie Addis at kaddis@wicomicocounty.org or 410-548-4900 x109.

NSA Ruling: Mr. Obama, Tear Down This Data Center

TAMPA, December 17, 2013 – A federal judge’s ruling Monday confirmed what a majority of Americans already knew. The National Security Agency’s indiscriminate gathering of data on every phone call made in the United States is unconstitutional. Calling the government’s data gathering technology “almost Orwellian,” Judge Richard Leon said that James Madison would be “aghast” if he knew the government was encroaching upon liberty in such a way.

According to USA Today, he also pointed out another thing most Americans already knew. The program never has and likely never will prevent a terrorist attack.


No One’s Watching: Prison Rape In America

Common decency requires that we protect inmates from abuse.

The Black Guerrilla Family prison gang controlled the Baltimore city jail. According to a federal indictment, 27 correctional officers, along with 17 others, “were in bed with BGF inmates.” That would be literally and figuratively. Gang leader Tavon White impregnated no fewer than four female guards. One had “Tavon” tattooed on her wrist. Guards smuggled in cell phones, drugs, and other contraband. Inmates who were not gang members were forced to pay protection money to the BGF, or get family members to do so. According to the indictment, White boasted of his control of the prison on his prohibited cell phone:

This is my jail. You understand that? I’m dead serious. . . . I make every final call in this jail . . . and nothing go past me. . . . Any of my brothers that deal with anybody, it’s gonna come to me. Before (somebody) stab somebody, they gotta run it through me.


Stunning Revelation From Man Who Sued NSA

'The government just wanted me to know they were watching me'

NEW YORK – The attorney who won a high-profile federal court fight Monday with the National Security Agency over its invasive telephone-call spy program says he was put under surveillance – and more – by the agency when he filed the case.

Larry Klayman, a WND commentary contributor and founder of Judicial Watch and, more recently, FreedomWatch, told WND that once his allegations that the federal government was violating the Constitution with its “watch-every-call” strategy hit the courts, he noticed problems with his email.

“People began receiving from me emails that I had never sent,” Klayman told WND, suggesting harassment in response to his work. “The government just wanted me to know they were watching me.”


Small Businesses Claim US Government Stealing Their Ideas

"They stole all my stuff and used taxpayer money to do it," John Hnatio, a Maryland small business owner, says of the U.S. government.

Hnatio claims the government has put his company, FoodquestTQ, nearly out of business by stealing his firm's software that was designed to be licensed to the Food and Drug Administration to monitor food safety.

The FDA "took our ideas, plagiarized my doctoral dissertation on which a patent was based, and then they infringed on our patent. The result was that it decimated our business," he adds.

Hnatio says his company has been left hanging by a thread. He has had to fire employees and says that the remaining three, including himself, are receiving no salary and have been forced to go on unemployment insurance.

"I have never seen anything like it," says Hnatio, who is a retired federal government official.


Prince George’s French Immersion School Named A Maryland Blue Ribbon School

Florence Fomuso, a kindergarten teacher at Robert Goddard French Immersion School in Lanham, ran around the desks and chairs in Room 117 before she asked her students, “Comment Papa Tortue court? Lentement ou rapide?”

Sydney Patterson, 5, quickly raised her hand. She knew how Papa Turtle runs. She shouted “Lentement!” Translation: “Slowly.”


NSA Official Says First Amendment Should Be “Reformed”

Adds that Obama should crack down on free press

An unnamed official with the NSA told a reporter during a recent media “open day” that President Obama should crack down on the free press, and that the First Amendment should be reformed.

In his piece for Foreign Policy, reporter Daniel Drezner explains how NSA officials are so completely out of touch with the Constitution and Bill of Rights that they simply cannot fathom why people are so upset with the actions of the spy agency with regards to monitoring Americans’ communications.

In a key revelation, Drezner notes:

“The NSA’s attitude toward the press is, well, disturbing. There were repeated complaints about the ways in which recent reportage of the NSA was warped or lacking context. To be fair, this kind of griping is a staple of officials across the entire federal government.”


Cronyism Strikes Again: Ex-Microsoftee Married To Democrat Congresswoman Set To Take Over Obamacare Exchange

Having done a bang up job on the Healthcare.gov rollout (after retaining virtually every private sector company with relevant skills to fix the 500 million-lines-of-code monster), Jeff Zients, as we reported previously, is set to become director of the National Economic Council (perhaps he will next roll out a database where America's unemployed sign up). But what is more notable is that his replacement in leading the overhaul of the Obamacare exchanges is a former executive from Microsoft. Kurt DelBene, whose wife just happens to be Democratic Congresswoman Suzan DelBene. What could possibly go wrong as cronyism brings Blue Cross together with the Blue Screen of Death?


Get Firearms Training For Your Friends And Family As A Gift!

We're offering $200 to spend at Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC for only $180. That's a 10% discount. Buy and share this deal with your friends to get an additional incentive! 

Deadline Extended to Enroll in Health Care

Insurance carriers participating in Maryland's health care exchange have extended the deadline for individuals and families to enroll in order to be covered Jan. 1, Gov. Martin O'Malley announced Tuesday.

State residents who enroll in a qualified health plan through Maryland Health Connection by Dec. 27 can have coverage that begins Jan. 1. The previous deadline was Dec. 23. Consumers would have until Jan. 15 to pay for their coverage.

On Monday, Carefirst announced it would extend the deadline to Dec. 27, and other insurance carriers also have agreed to the later deadline, including Kaiser Permanente, United Healthcare and Evergreen Health Co-op.


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Following an announcement yesterday that CareFirst agreed to allow Maryland to extend the deadline by which individuals and families must enroll in order to be covered on January 1, Governor O’Malley and Lt. Governor Brown today announced that all other medical insurance carriers participating in Maryland Health Connection have agreed to allow deadline extensions as well.

All carriers have agreed to allow Maryland to extend the enrollment deadline from December 23 to December 27. This means that Marylanders who enroll in a Qualified Health Plan through Maryland Health Connection by December 27 can have coverage that begins on January 1; consumers would have until January 15 to pay for their coverage. Medical carriers participating in Maryland Health Connection include CareFirst, Kaiser Permanente, United Healthcare and Evergreen Health Co-Op.

To improve the trajectory of the project, Governor O’Malley and Lieutenant Governor Brown recently changed the leadership structure for the IT portion of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange and asked Isabel FitzGerald, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Information Technology, to lead the IT effort. Under Sec. FitzGerald’s leadership, the State just days ago announced that it met Governor O’Malley’s mid-December deadline for fixing nine major issues with the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange website. Those nine fixes were focused on many of the challenges that were causing users the most frustration.

The improvements to the site are reflected in unofficial daily data. Based on preliminary data, yesterday saw a record high number of plan selections in MarylandHealthConnection.gov, surpassing the record set last Friday when IT teams completed fixing nine major issues that were responsible for a majority of the issues that were negatively affecting users.

“We know the improvements to MarylandHealthConnection.gov are making a difference because we are seeing more and more people successfully completing the process every day,” Gov. O’Malley said. “We will continue making improvements to the site, and we are pleased that all carriers have agreed to extend the deadline for coverage so that we can continue to work toward our goal of helping more Marylanders access quality, affordable coverage.”

"As we continue to improve the website's functionality, we are working to make it easier for Marylanders to get health care by working with the insurance community to extend the deadline for Marylanders to sign up for coverage on January 1st," said Lt. Governor Brown. "While we still have work to do, we're committed to expanding access to quality affordable care."

Yesterday, the Administration announced that the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange has brought in Optum/QSSI—a Columbia, Maryland company—to improve the overall performance of the website. The company will focus on enhancing the consumer experience by providing end-to-end project management and operational support, as well as technological assessment and recommendations.

Optum/QSSI is the general contractor that the federal government called upon in October to work with CMS and other vendors to enhance the stability and performance of the federal government’s HealthCare.gov.

Also yesterday, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor announced that in the lead up to the enrollment deadline, health exchange officials will keep the call center open longer to maximize phone assistance to consumers. In addition, through blast emails, regular mail, and robo-calls, health exchange officials are contacting consumers who have begun, but not completed, the application process to let them know how to complete their eligibility determinations and enrollment.

Secretary Jewell Visits Maryland To Promote Wind Energy

Earlier today, I joined U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell and Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Tommy Beaudreau at the Maritime Applied Physics Corporation in Baltimore to talk about next steps in our continuing effort to spur wind energy development in Maryland.

Our federal partners are proposing to lease approximately 80,000 acres off the coast of Maryland for commercial wind energy development. Maryland’s offshore wind investment will create 850 construction and manufacturing jobs, plus 160 permanent supply and operations jobs after the site is completed. The site will generate $1.3 billion in total economic impact, and is expected to support the generation of up to 1,000 megawatts.

Today’s announcement gives Maryland momentum to continue to increase our renewable energy progress, create jobs, and encourage economic development. By working together, we can strengthen our in-state renewable energy generation, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce public health costs.

Since taking office, the O’Malley-Brown Administration has increased our renewable energy usage by 40 percent. Our workforce has more green jobs per capita than any state in the Mid-Atlantic region – the 6th highest concentration in the nation.

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release 12-18-13

On Tuesday December 17th 2013 Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason welcomed two new graduates from the Easter Shore Criminal Justice Academy, Deputy Sheriff Matthew Bertino and Deputy Sheriff Robert Clarke. Both Deputies will be assigned to patrol duties for the Sheriff’s Office. Deputies Bertino and Clarke excited to begin work in what promises to be a long career in the Law Enforcement profession.

Picture from left to right are, Chief Deputy Dale Smack, Deputy Bertino, Sheriff Mason, and Deputy Clarke

SFD Calls For Service 12-17-13

  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 20:43:21Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 20:03:24Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 19:46:07Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 19:23:01Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: Beaglin Park Dr and e Salisbury Pkwy Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 19:22:54Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 17:29:15Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 16:57:19Nature: Unconscious SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 15:16:34Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 14:38:41Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 13:52:04Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 13:35:33Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 1225 Mt Hermon Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 13:35:12Nature: Unconscious SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 13:01:20Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 12:24:21Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 11:00:02Nature: StrokeCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 09:32:26Nature: OverdoseCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 01:54:53Nature: Heart PatientCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 01:48:34Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Tuesday December, 17 2013 @ 01:27:14Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury

WCTP Christmas Party


Thursday, December 19, 2013 
7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm 
Ocean Pines Community Center 
Admission is free

WCTP is a non-partisan organization that shares the belief in liberty and fiscal responsibility.

Join us to celebrate Christmas with Carols and Hot Chocolate. Come share in the accomplishments of the past year and let's look ahead to 2014. Please bring an easy appetizer or dessert to share with the group. We will supply beverages.

2 Winners In $636M Mega Millions Drawing

At least two tickets sold in San Jose, California, and Georgia match the winning numbers for the Mega Millions jackpot worth an estimated $636 million, according to lottery officials.
