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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sen. Coburn: Government Wasted $30 Billion In 2013

Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has released his annual Wastebook, detailing the 100 leading examples of government waste — amounting to $30 billion this year.

The congressional watchdog said that one of the primary offenders for trashing federal money was the disastrous launch of the Affordable Care Act website HealthCare.gov, which cost at least $319 million.

Millions more were wasted on ads in various states for President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, including a campaign featuring an Elvis impersonator in Colorado, where Wastebook 2013 says only 4,000 people enrolled, one of whom turned out to be a dog named Baxter.



  1. Multiply that number by 100

  2. $30 billion? Is that all?

    Highly unlikely. Like a previous comment, multiply that by 100 for a more realistic figure of the waste ....

  3. only 30 bil? guess again! more like 3 tril!

  4. I think the officers in the military ran that much up on the govt credit cards!


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