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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Senate Dems Block Amendment To Restore Veteran Benefits By Closing Illegal Immigrant Welfare Loophole

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.

“Removing this unbalanced treatment of our military retirees ought to be one of the key actions we should take before this legislation moves forward. In fact, greater savings than this can be achieved by passing a legislative fix recommended by the Inspector General of the U.S. Treasury that would stop the IRS from improperly providing tax credits to illegal aliens,” Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions said Monday, announcing his co-sponsorship of Mississippi Republican Sen. Roger Wicker’s amendment to restore the military retirement benefits Monday.


  1. THIS country is going to F. Start requiring Senators and Congress to have military experience to get the Job we have enough of them in America this is just Common seance.

  2. Anyone obstructing veteran benefits should be executed and hung from a flag pole. The very audacity of these rats to do this only proves that they have no problem feeding on their own. Obviously, they are taking their stance from our Commander Liar and low life human garbage president. Have we had enough yet??

  3. STOP THE MADNESS CALL YOUR REPS NOW THIS IS INSANE.....they have pissed off the wrong group now....u buckoo commies marxist fools ....DEMS your all toast come this election

  4. December 18, 2013 at 8:31 PM

    Call your reps my butt. This does absolutely nothing. It is time for a civil war.

  5. The Capital Building Number to call your repDecember 18, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    Cal 202-224-3121

  6. Makes being a Vetran seem meaningless. Sad state of affairs. Yes i am a disabled vetran and it is quite insulting. Use to think Ryan was for the people, but now he has jumped ship to appease the left. He is no better than the Dems.
    Vote all 64 out of office...


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