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Friday, December 06, 2013

Rand Paul Offers 'Freedom Zones' To Save Bankrupt Detroit

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul this week is traveling to Detroit, the nation's economic disaster zone, to lay out a sweeping proposal to revive the Motor City while also extending his recent outreach to blacks by opening a GOP African-American engagement office.

Paul, a 2016 GOP presidential front-runner, will be in Detroit on Friday to address the Detroit Economic Club where he will unveil a plan to create economic “Freedom Zones,” a unique agenda that features help to poor families and struggling businesses.

In what could be a cornerstone of Paul’s economic agenda for troubled cities and regions, he will detail his “Detroit economic plan” to revitalize the city’s economy with growth-encouraging tax and regulation changes.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a brilliant idea. the Dems will never go for it .


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