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Friday, December 06, 2013

Game-Changer: Saudis Seek To Re-Balance Mideast Against U.S.

EILAT, Israel – Saudi Arabia is proposing a sweeping deal to Russia that solidifies Moscow’s position in the Middle East and Persian Gulf largely at the expense of the United States, according to informed Egyptian security officials.

The deal incorporates increased Russian involvement in Egypt, Syria and the Persian Gulf, and even involves a Saudi guarantee to aid against terror plots targeting the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

The Egyptian officials said the deal seeks to replace the U.S. with Russia as the major weapons dealer to Egypt.

However, the weapons sales to Cairo are only the tip of the potential re-balancing iceberg that follows a major fallout with the Saudis after President Obama’s outreach efforts to Iran.

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  1. Who has the pressure cooker franchise?

  2. GREAT!! Let someone else get entangled and bogged down in this mess of a region for awhile.

  3. And we give weapons to these peasants? Our own citizens are not allowed to own firearms, but we give them to all of the camel jockeys.

  4. The rest of the world sure has lost faith in the US.Gee,I wonder why?


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