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Friday, December 06, 2013

Modern Ruins of Abandoned Detroit

Symbolizing the dramatic decline of Motor City, many buildings and structures in the former manufacturing mecca of Detroit, Mich. lay in crumbling and weather-beaten ruins. In his bestselling book, "The World Without Us," Alan Weisman (who has reported from abandoned cities such as Chernobyl, Ukraine and Varosha, Cyprus) wrote that structures crumble as weather does unrepaired damage and other life forms create new habitats. A common structure would begin to fall apart as water eventually leaks into the roof, erodes the wood and rusts the nail, he wrote. Without intervention, many of Detroit's abandoned structures would eventually succumb to nature's elements.


  1. The city of greed.

  2. One need look no further in proving what more than half a century of COMPLETE DEMOCRAT CONTROL does to a city and its economy. Why are people so dense? What more do people need as evidence you cannot continually take from the producers and give to the leeches in society? it has never worked-and will never work. Neither has Socialism, Communism or Facism--and yet this country is hurtling towards communism as fast as it can go.

  3. 6:42-Their world will crumble around them and they still won't get it.

  4. That's exactly what I've been saying 6:42. You look at these cities that are nothing but cess pools of crime and poverty and what they all have in common is generations of democratic control. Take Baltimore for example. Most people think of the Inner Harbor and the stadium totally forgetting that the poor black folks have been corralled into the projects which are havens for every social ill known to man and the democrats have done this to them, making them the butt of jokes and disgust which they like to say is racism. It's not racism at all. It's disgust at people who can't see the forest through the trees.

  5. They are spreading like a plague. They screw up so bad, then abandon ship, and move on the the next community, city or state.

    MD is a prime example, they are entrenched and going to tear this place down to the ground.

  6. The black community has a distorted sense of what makes one a role model. For instance Jackson and Sharpton are held in high esteem when they have done nothing more than bring black people down by telling them everything is someone else's fault. A great man like Dr Carson they ridicule and marginalize which is crazy. A man who pulls himself out of poverty, and goes on to do greatness like he has should never be ridiculed. It's really mind boggling the mindset of these people.


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