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Sunday, December 08, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Delmar Maryland Mayor Carl Anderton Filed Today To Run Against Norm Conway

Once again Salisbury News is breaking news no one else has. Carl is an incredible Mayor and human being. I have said this for many years now, Carl Anderton is the man to watch in Maryland politics and I for one, (and I hope many of you will join me) will support Carl for any position he so chooses.

Once a Press Release is drafted we will provide it as well as all updates until election night. 

Originally Posted at 7:49 pm.


  1. Conway's still alive? I thought he was dead or something. We never hear from him. We only have one real representative in Annapolis and that's Del McDermott.

  2. I swear anyone that runs against Conway, I would vote for.

  3. Is "Anderton" a local name???

  4. It's time to move on from Norm's delusional ways. Go Carl!!!! You have my complete support! You are a true man among men!

  5. Is this person a democrat or republican? That is very important in today's world. I will never vote for another liberal democrat for any office.

  6. Of course ill vote......he is family.....he is very local..

  7. Went to school with Carl. Cool watching him become a mayor and now running for Delegate to the state house. Way to go man!

  8. He's a Republican. Anderton is a local name. The next time you're on the Salisbury plaza check for the old garden that is named "Anderton gardens".

    I will be voting for him. He cut taxes and helped bring jobs to Delmar. Conway has raised taxes and fees and done nothing to bring jobs!

  9. Has my vote...and 3 more at my house.

  10. Carl is a good man and he has something good going for him. He has COMMON SENSE. He listens to people and is not a give away the store for a vote liberal.

  11. Ohbama Ohmalley Crooked BastardsDecember 3, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    Conway is Democrat, raised taxes and brought No Jobs means 3 Strikes You Out. Next Man Up, Vote Carl Anderton

  12. He's a great Mayor. I'll be sad to see him go to Annapolis but I think he'll do well. I will vote for him.

  13. Norm is the chair of the committee that you have to go through to spend money. How is all of Maryland's financial problems not in a large part his fault? He got that position and has yet to resist anything major that the spend, then tax crowd has brought to him. He's a western shore liberal holding an eastern shore seat. It's time for him to retire.

  14. Funny how people say they have your vote yet NEVER VOTE

  15. Anyone but Norm!!!

  16. A little off this subject , but don't be surprised if your president "Obama" is sworn in again for a third term.
    It's already in the making as he changes the laws to suit his position.
    After the third term he will be your dictator or king , which ever floats his boat.
    Those of you who worship him , I feel sorry for.

  17. YOU are right about that Jim 1129PM. Lots of empty promise voters out there who when it comes time to vote they are too busy doing other things or just figure their vote "won't count and won't be missed"...and then we end up with more liberals running the show because of peoples lack of initiative
    to get out and vote! On the other hand I plan go vote for Carl Anderton when the time comes!!!

  18. Excellent - another good choice to fight the liberal infestation!

    Please - don't just add comments here - get out and VOTE!

  19. Out with the old (and stale)...
    In with the new (and fresh)

  20. It's to early in his career. He has no real track record. He doesn't have a chance. The Conway machine will eat him alive.

  21. Obama cannot run again. You can only be elected twice as president.

  22. 8:55 just because you don't know his track record on council for multiple terms and as a two term Mayor, doesn't mean he does not have a very good track record. I encourage you and everyone to look him up. Look up how he's cut taxes. Find out how he lead the effort to bring business to Delmar.

    1. Look at their roads . Another example of cutting to cut without weighing the cost

    2. Actually, Delmar is building a $1.1 million road right now on Walnut Street that had languished for decades. Anderton was the one who pushed for the project. And he did it without going into debt or raising taxes!


    3. You have no idea what you are saying! Walnut Street? On top of that a new Town Hall and Police station without raising taxes or going into debt!

      Meanwhile, Norm Conway is the chair of the Appropriations Committee and the state is running a structural deficit of a HALF BILLION DOLLARS a year! This is after his massive gas tax. After he voted to raise sales tax by 20%. After he voted for the Rain tax, etc...

    4. How does a someone build a 1.1 million dollar road without bonding it? Ain't happening. Next.

    5. If it is the wAlnut st in highland park, that was built by the county, not Delmar. Delmar roads are treacherous and their public works guy doesn't know anything about roads.

  23. My grandfather was named Carl Anderton in salisbury....he was a boat captain....I'm new to this area and never met him...but I'm wondering if they are related!!!

  24. Yes, 10:10. They are.It would appear you and the good mayor are cousins.

  25. I'm glad that someone with a proven track record of cutting taxes, while keeping up with services and working with business is running. Call me crazy, but I believe Mayor Anderton is exactly what we need!

  26. My personal opinion is that Norm Conway no longer does anything for the people who elected him. He's supposed to be working for us! What has he done for us lately?

  27. Yes; Carl has our votes...

  28. Lost me on that one 1:56.

  29. A lot more roads could get done if the highway user revenues were restored to the towns. Maybe if the head of Appropriations would stop voting to use that money to plug other holes in his budget, Delmar could have more roads done and so could YOU!

    1. You don't know what you are talking about. The head of the appropriate. Committee has nothing to do with the board of public works, which controls that particular fund.

    2. The board of public works has nothing to do with highway user revenues. The appropriations committee and legislature decided to use your local streets money to fund omalleys pet projects instead of fixing local roads.

  30. The Walnut St. Project was supposed to be done for years. I'm glad someone finally made sure it got done.

  31. Why not Ireton or Jake Day. I think either one would better fit the job.

  32. Yes he is related to the local Andertons !

  33. Ireton & Day you must be joking. Part-time teacher, part-time mayor with emotional instability problems. Council president with no real experience and is a reckless endangerment to the public. Mr. Anderton is a much wiser, and a much better choice by far.

    How refreshing to have a decent candidate. I will not vote for Conway. He has lost my vote period. Mr. Anderton will have my support.

  34. 3:38 so you don't know where Walnut Street is, but you're an expert on Delmar roads? Gotcha!

    The fact is Delmar did neglect roads before Anderton was elected. In two short years he has addressed some of the worst streets in town. Ask residents on Spruce, Second and Walnut.

    He's also moved the police into a new location that should last for 50 years. It's big enough to account for growth projections and much better than the glorified pole barn the police were in. For $600,000. Fruitland paid $3 million for their new Police building.

    Also ask Doug Marshall about how business friendly Delmar has become under Anderton. Doug is sinking millions of dollars into a housing development and music Amphitheater. Why? Ask him. He's said it in several interviews. Because Delmar has embraced a business friendly attitude since Anderton was elected.

    I live on the Delaware side and have watched this guy. He's almost too good to be true. I don't know how he does it but he just does. I wish that I could vote for him.

    3:31 Conway is either the powerful leader of the most powerful committee in Maryland or he isn't. You can't claim what a loss it will be to lose the chair of the committee and say he doesn't have the power to reinstate highway user funds. His committee absolutely is the committee that took those funds and moved them to other areas instead of sending the money to the counties and municipalities. And he voted to do it.

  35. Conway has been doing very little for decades except getting paid by both the WBOE (not to work) sucking the taxpayers dry and the State. Waste! Hope ANYONE wins but him. Mickey Mouse would be better.

  36. Anonymous 10:10AM-

    I too am related to the Andertons and yes Carl was his grandfather and hate to break it to yo but our grandfather passed away the beginning of this year! Sorry to break it to you this way but wanted you to know! Lindsay

  37. Bringing HURs back to local municipalities is one of Anderton's goals. Check out his work with Maryland Municipal League...guarantee he'll be campaigning on it.


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