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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Unemployment Among Black Youth 393% Higher Than National Rate

The black youth unemployment rate for ages 16-19 is 393% higher than the national unemployment rate, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

As of October 2013, the unemployment rate for this demographic was 36.0 percent, an increase over last month’s rate of 35.1 percent. The national unemployment rate currently stands at 7.3 percent.

The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who do not have a job. To be in the labor force a person must either have a job or actively sought one in the last four weeks.

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  1. That's the problem with government statistics; most of them really are employed in small retail businesses. You can see some most any night on any street corner along Church Street.

  2. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2013/11/unemployment-among-black-youth-393.html
    Should be worded "how many black youths are actually looking for work.

  3. That's hilarious! If it only includes those who looked for work in the last 4 weeks and is 36%, I'd say the other 66% are unemployed and not looking@

  4. Most of the young are waiting for phone calls to play major league basket ball.
    It's coming any day now.

  5. A lot want to be hair stylist.

  6. Gerald, retired Detroit copNovember 11, 2013 at 8:19 PM

    This is wrong, most are employed in criminal enterprises of some sort !

  7. As it should be. When you drop out of school, smoke weed, hang o the street corner all night, act like junior gangsters you should not expect any self respecting business man to hire you. Now pull your pants up !

  8. As sad as it is most are products of their environment! What is even worse is at that age most should still be in school!

  9. I find it hilarious that folks with an obvious agenda go throwing out "youth" UE stats. At that age, in today's economy, the kid needs to be hitting the books and getting involved in educational after school activities. Long gone are the days where Mickey D's is depending on gobs of HS kids to fill these positions during the afternoon hours.

  10. The difference is much less stark when you actually compare apples to apples (total youth UE to black youth UE). Why would you compare kids to overall UE of working adults? hmmmmm I smell an agenda.

  11. they wouldn't work if you gave them jobs.

  12. 6:00 AM
    You mean Reform School!

  13. DataSoSlantedAuthorNamedEileenNovember 12, 2013 at 9:54 PM

    Ah the globalists love playing us off of each other with slanted propaganda, just to keep the racial divide going. Pay no attention to the corporate/fascist authoritarian takeover of our country going on right in front of our faces.
    Just stay at each other's throats and not the international banking cabal raping us and profiting on loans to the country, loans to us, loans to themselves all out of thin air. Not to mention profits from administering the EBT program as well.

  14. Be careful, 9:54, when you start hitting close to the truth, you may become the victim of a random act of violence (murdered in a street robbery, with no suspects EVER identified), a car "accident", or some other calamity. The police? Minor gangsters. Real gangsters? They stick to their own, for the most part. International bankers? They'll kill you faster than you can write a bad check.


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