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Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: No Vet Appreciation Meals For Vets Day?

So, Joe, I take it that there are NO Veterans Day meals for Vets this year? Every other recent year, there were lists of the supporting restaurants in the area that “returned the favor” for those that went into harm’s way for our country.

Now that the “forever wars” are finally drawing to a close, maybe everyone just wants to forget. Perhaps we’d like to forget the actions of our government in far-off wars, {oh but we could), but let’s not forget the brave men and women that stepped forward to serve IN those wars.

If you see a Vet today, thank him or her, maybe even take them out for a meal. Show them that, though the wars are ending, we, the American People, DO care for our own.


  1. 98.1 has been announcing them all day yesterday and today. I am surprised at the number of them! Irieradio.com probably has the list. Many right here in Salisbury.

  2. Anybody who served did it for personal reasons, because their country needed them, or to continue a family tradition. But I really doubt they did it for free meals. I have a feeling your thanks means much more to them than a restaurant's hamburger. Stop dwelling on the negative and focus on the positives.

  3. anonymous 4:30, I happen to know a LOT of Vets who actually ENJOY when their local community offers a way of showing THANKS for their service.

    Many of them are also seeing VERY hard times and could use an additional break.

    So, since you didn't serve, (OBVIOUSLY) shut up. Get to know a Vet, you might learn a LOT more about how short life actually is.

  4. There's a list on this site.
    At least a dozen restaurants and other businesses in Salisbury are treating vets and active duty and reservists to meals and products.
    Hats off to all of them!

  5. I saw a restaurant in OC advertising free lunch today

  6. 4:30
    I am a prior Marine Corps Vet that served in Desert Storm, Bosnia and Somolia. Of course I never did it for a free "Hamburger". Everyone I know did it to serve and because they love their country. I have a tremendous amount of pride saying I am a combat veteran and have nothing against anyone that did not serve. It's not for everyone. As much pride as I have for serving it prides me just as much when I see businesses show their grattitude. It is very appreciated and speaks volumes about the business. I never expect anything and I am pretty sure the person that made the original post was just doing it in support of vets and is not a vet complaining they didn't get free stuff.

  7. So Joe did you post the locations today or are you just to busy.

  8. Golden Corral is free to vets until 9pm tonight

  9. First of all I am a vet....restaurants are in the business of making money, not giving out free food. If they choose to that's fine but it's not a requirement. It's out governments responsibility to help vets, it shouldn't fall on private companies. Our government should be ashamed of themselves!!!! Case closed....

  10. I am a vet and all I ever need is to walk outside and to know I am free! If your looking for more than that, you need to remember those who can't walk outside anymore.
    I don't need a thank you, or free food. I know what I did and am proud to have been given a chance to serve, for that I thank everyone who did not serve that allowed me to represent them.
    Yes I will sent as anonymous but you may find me walking outside, smiling and living life as a free American.

  11. I'm a Vet as well. We went to Applebys for a free meal. We paid for 2 others in our party who were not Vets, which included 1 mixed drink and 6 beers. We figured the average cost of what we received for free, and chipped in and left our server a $35 tip. A thanks from us to applebys for recolonizing our service. We did not go there because it was free.

  12. Since 1979, I've worked hard all my life, never missing a beat. I had to resigned from a job a had for 25 years. I lost everything since June 2013. Became homeless. But, the V. A. help me find temporary housing. I just got an EBT card Friday. And, I had my first decent meal today at the local Golden Coral. I thanked GOD today for veterans day. When your 60 years old with no kids or living family members, no job, no home, no unemployment check or friends able to help: the only thing a veteran my have is a free meal on veterans day and the V. A. I never once thought in a million years, I would be in this position. But, I am. I'm going to be ok. I had a good day on veterans day.


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