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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hard-Core Obama Supporter Screwed By Obamacare


  1. Perhaps when it hits them in their wallets - where it really hurts - people will wake up and vote to repeal this horrible law.

  2. LOL! It's all fun and games until redistribution hits home….


  4. HA HA HA!!! LMAO at that ignorant Bimbo!!

  5. stupid is as stupid does. these people are "easily deceived"...

  6. Lady, you got what you deserve. I do not feel sorry for you at all. Suck it up, As you voted for the liar.

  7. Glad of it..........

  8. Happy to hear it. These people disgust me.

  9. good glad to hear it! about time some of those low information voters pay too!

  10. Another blind follower who never read the bill before it was passed! And now she admits supporting it and Obama back then!

    Now, it's the LAW, and she's crying????

    I'm laughing at her and the millions who are losing their coverage! You totally ignorant beings!!!

    How's that Hopey- Changey working for you now? You just admitted to it!

    WE read the bill BEFORE it was passed. WE shouted from the rooftops to toss it out! WE told you so, but YOU insisted you wanted this.

    Well, now you have what you asked for.

  11. She needs to shut up, suck it up and deal with it. No one gives a rat's behind what she has to say now. Fools like her own the law and now need to pay up.

  12. Her and other Obama lovers are getting what they deserve. They need to wake up and realize how stupid they were to believe anything Obama ever said.

  13. For the last few years that the ACA has been in the planning stages, you did not hear or see anything at all from the insurance companies, and they have a huge lobby.
    Were they for or against this?
    They are currently basing their premium costs on a guess.
    But historically, you will find, even if this ends up being a very profitable venture for them and they overcharged, you will never see a reduction in costs to the consumer.
    So I am not sure how that Colorado Congresswoman can conclude that a year from now everyone is going to be happy how it is working, because a year from now, you will be paying even more.

  14. Sometimes Annie makes sense.

  15. you reap what you sow. Wise up next time.

  16. She voted him in, deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Annie has a point. They must spend 80% of premium on care. What isn't spent on care will be refunded.

  18. And I don't know anyone who has ever received a refund!
    Now that they have their baseline in place it will always rise.
    Also starting in 2014, sales tax will be built into the cost of your health insurance premium.
    This % will rise every year also, adding additional cost to your premium.

  19. I laugh every time I read a story like this. I can't wait until it happens to some BO supporter I know. I'm going to rub it in their faces and continue smashing it in while repeating "told you so."


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