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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Md. Police Cite 1,600+ Drivers For Cellphones

Maryland State Police say they've issued more than 1,600 citations to people using hand-held cellphones while driving since a state ban took effect Oct. 1.

The Frederick News-Post reported Thursday that state troopers have issued 1,658 electronic citations for cellphone driving violations. Electronic citations are printed by devices in patrol cars. The figure doesn't include handwritten tickets.

The law that took effect last month makes talking on a hand-held cellphone while driving a primary offense. That means police can pull over drivers and ticket them solely for talking on hand-held cellphones behind the wheel.



  1. Just gettin started, I must have seen about 10 between yesterday and today going back and forth from work. One clown was even texting. At least keep the phone down and on speaker to make a pretense and don't text! It's stupid and dangerous.

  2. Thew judge could not win or charge him with contempt. Therefore she did the right thing by walking out. This guy knew the law and she knew that he did. However, she should have dismissed the case.

  3. Need to up the enforcement effort. Too many idjiots weaving and turning with no clue as to what's happening around them.

  4. Do the cops ticket each other as well? Never see one NOT on the phone.

    Oh, but they are TRAINED to be on the phone and laptop while driving!

    Tell me, if I take that class, do I get not ticketed, as I have a card? Where is this class taught?

  5. Yet the cops continue to miss the idiot driving the big green bucket truck talking and texting on his cellphone, this clown has run off the road and over curbs with his one handed driving while texting!

  6. Please come to SALISBURY these fools around here will make the state a small fortune, Every other person is on the phone.

  7. It's bad enough we have a police state without you morons helping them oppress us even more. Judas'

  8. Nobody is paying attention to this law in Salisbury.

  9. I've seen that many missed.

  10. listen to yourselves. you have been trained and don't even know it.

  11. 5:24 Agreed, the cops and county officials are hazardous on our roads... while talking on their cell phones.

    Tell ya what, want to give me a ticket for "talking on my cellphone", put yours down... I am your boss, assclown.

  12. Women seem to be the worst offenders. Probably their genetic predisposition to talk. Lesson number one in driving is never take your eyes off a women driver!

  13. Police are the worst offenders, never having seen one driving not on the phone. But, hey, they've been "Trained" They can cellphone and internet on their laptops, and are trained in this so its all okay for them.But if you do it, you're an idiot and deserve to pay fine to help defray the cost of the accidents caused by troopers on the phone.!

  14. 10:49
    What a hoot! Unlike men who don't ask for directions and drive in circles for hours. Nothing distracting about being lost....


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