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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shelter Director Says ‘I’m Not Retiring, I Am Being Forced Out’; Board Responds, ‘The Shelter Needs To Be Rescued’

WEST OCEAN CITY — With the clock ticking on the formal date of her resignation on Nov. 30, Worcester County Humane Society Director Kenille Davies this week shed more light on the events that led to her alleged forced departure after leading the facility for the last 37 years.

Two weeks ago, Davies announced at an annual fundraising dinner that she was stepping down as director of the Worcester County Humane Society after founding the organization in 1977 and serving as its director ever since. She made it clear she was being forced out by select members of the organization’s 11-member Board of Directors.

Up until Wednesday’s interview, Davies has provided little in the way of details of the events leading up to her retirement, preferring instead to wait until after it became official on Nov. 30. However, with information and allegations swirling in the court of public opinion, Davies told The Dispatch she was not resigning of her own volition, but rather was stepping down in an attempt to shield some members of the Board of Directors, many of whom have been long-time friends and volunteers at the shelter, from a protracted and expensive legal battle.



  1. "“It is our hope that the mission of the WCHS, to continue to operate the WCHS shelter as a no-kill shelter, is not derailed by the inaccurate and imprudent comments of the uninformed who appear to be placing themselves before the mission of the society."

    Whaaa???? This is in that first letter they handed her? So, who are the "uninformed" of which they are speaking? The letter was personal to Kenille! Maybe they listen too much at the back door gossip club?

    I'm all on Kenille's side here, and I live in Wicomico County, and something about this stinks all the way to my house!

    Go, Kenille!

  2. I too am from Wicomico County, and don't know Kenille personally, but have seen her at fundraisers, and have heard nothing but goods things about her, and have always felt she has an honest mind for the shelter, and a loving heart for the animals. She or the shelter animals don't deserve to be treated in this manner. Shame on those involved in trying to bring her down!

  3. She along with family "Holloway's" have a very dark side. Good riddance!

  4. The thugs trying to bring her down, are the gossip mongers who will not get their hands dirty doing the hard work of the shelter; they prefer the dinner parties, the fundraisers and the glory but don't get me dirty with the guts of the organization which is the care of all the animals and their well being not the well being of the sinful, gossipers, and deceitful board members. Go get drunk somewhere else.

  5. Just like how Sandy Fulton got shoved out by Gary! Now there is no CVA, and Pork in the Park is leaving!

  6. Sounds like Prmc huh?

  7. The OC shelter will cease to exist if this is allowed to happen. Look no further than Safe Have in Sussex county.

    Started in the early 2000's as a dream of a few ladies-A No Kill shelter. Property was purchased.

    Then everybody who donated some insignificant amount of money was suddenly a Know It All. The Know It All's all wanted to be on the Board and had all these "great" ideas and were going to model it off of a nationally recognized No Kill facility with paid staff, the whole 9 yards. They had a "business plan" and really sound like they actually knew a thing or 2 about No Kill shelters.

    They forgot one huge thing-the demographics of this area does not support such a facility. We only have the room for a small community shelter staffed by volunteers and certainly not a place for people to make a career out of.
    The animal right world even on a national level is very small. Anyone and everyone who actually did know a thing or 2 about No Kill facility predicted SH's demise as they are now predicating OC's.
    When funds couldn't be juggled any longer Board members couldn't get out the door fast enough constantly being replaced. Kent county dog control contract was lowballed putting another area shelter in a financial bind.

    Finally when rumors started swirling last summer Kent county politicians had to be the "bad guys" and cancelled the contract fearing the impending closing.
    No mismanagement involved. Just lack of funds for the visions of grandeur some Board members had. Cats all ended up at Josie's Place in Millsboro.
    ASPCA came in last month to help with an orderly shutdown. Dogs were adopted or moved to other shelters as far away as Maine. More than a dozen were put down.
    OC and Worcester residents and politicians need to take notice and make all attempt to prevent this takeover otherwise the shelter will end up with the same fate as SH.

  8. The most disturbing line of that letter says "don't harm the animals on your way out"...wow! That one line shows the integrity of people behind it. That was an unnecessary attack on the core of who Kenille is! The woman founded and ran this shelter for 37 years, without incident, and now all of a sudden the animals should be afraid of her. I'd be more afraid of the board members and their attorneys for stooping so low to write such nonsense.

  9. 7:28 Good, pork in the park was horrible. The food was bad... you can make better bbq in a crock pot. Over priced and over rated.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    She along with family "Holloway's" have a very dark side. Good riddance!

    November 22, 2013 at 6:26 PM"

    Time to school the ignoramus'. Kenille's no kill shelter has stood the test of time when most fail miserably after just a few years. This is a fact. Whether you like the Holloways or not is irrelevant. This is about the animals and not your dislike of a family, so grow up and stop injecting your personal feelings (and obsession which you are clearly in need of help for) into this.

    1. Good morning Kim, your the obsessive one, busted!

  11. Interesting. I was at a meeting (unrelated to this issue) yesterday with about 30-40 other area business people from the Eastern Shore and this came up. There is absolute hatred for those who have forced her to resign. Ms Davies, who I don't know, is very much loved and respected by those familiar with her work.

  12. I agree 7:56. Those peoples insinuation that Kenille would hurt any animals shows how vulgar, crude and of the lower class they are from. They need a well deserved, good dose of public ridicule and humiliation after which they need to get the hell out of here because they are disliked immensely.

  13. These people have no integrity 7:56. The overall condescending tone of their responses to this whole situation speaks volumes.
    I too, don't know anyone involved in this, but while out all week it was the talk of the moment and no one is supporting this takeover. I heard many harsh words spoken about those involved and the seedy way they handled it.

  14. From Friends for Kenille Davies Facebook. Please share. Time for all pit bull and pit mix lovers to so something good for the breed. We can not allow a potentially dangerous dog into society further soiling the breeds reputation. Share with any and all pit rescue and animal welfare sites as well.

    "CONCERN FOR THE WELFARE OF OUR SHELTER DOGS: We cannot stress enough, the awful situation the Worcester County Humane Society Face Book page (The opposing side) has put two of our dogs in. They recently posted Cody and Butch for adoption on their page. This is not responsible or in the best interest of the dogs.

    Their write up said this: "Two of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet: Butch & Cody! Stop in and see them or send us a message if you're interested in opening your heart to one of these sweet boys! — at Worcester County Humane Society." For anyone wishing to see the post for themselves, please go to the Worcester County Humane Society Facebook page and scroll through. It has already had numerous shares.

    Cody as we have mentioned in a previous post picture is a "fear biter". He is afraid of people he does not know or trust. He trusts only a few people at the shelter and that doesn't include the "opposing side". They know this and have had personal issues with Cody's aggression towards them. Butch as well has had a troubled history, which is why he was taken off the adoptable dogs list. Kenille's attorney has contacted them 3 times to remove said adoption post to try and protect the dogs. They have refused. Volunteers and staff have told them that they cannot not put Cody up for adoption and is not safe to be around people he doesn't trust or know. We are a No-Kill shelter for a reason; to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

    Anyone who works at the shelter knows these facts and CANNOT deny knowing. There is a sign posted on Cody's kennel and has been posted for years. This sign warns all new comers to stay away until they can gain his trust and love.

    What is their intention by doing this? That is the question you need to ask. With several other dogs on premises being able to be put up for adoption, why would they choose a dog with a fear of people and another dog with clear history of trouble that could and would bite. Why would they say that these are the "two sweetest dogs" when they personally cannot get near them?

    As of November 30, 2013, Kenille will no longer be able to protect those who need protection. Up until now, they have been safe and sheltered with Kenille. This is not acceptable or safe for anyone. Kenille has seen to the love, care and safety of all "un-adoptable" dogs for 37 years. She isn't even out the door and they already are putting them in danger of being euthanized should they leave the shelter and bite out of fear.

    Below is the sign on Cody's Kennel. Please note the hand writing under the "DO NOT ENTER". Please, share this post and help protect them."

  15. Something stinks in Denmark, me thinks. Also, Wicomico Co lost a very devoted representative when they let Sandy Fulton go. She has been fantastic at whatever she has done.

  16. I don't think this shelter is going to last. All last week and even this morning, this is all I heard people talking about. Hatred is an understatement. People feel Kenille Davies was wronged and want the people who have run her out to pay. My friend told me they were at Harborside the other night and it was the talk there and they've never heard, such cursing about something.

  17. I just read the DT's article on this and I feel like cursing. Here's a quote from board member Sandra Mitchell "“We all feel it’ll be an improvement,” she said. “We’re very positive and hoping to move forward"
    This woman is clearly ignorant and must have the IQ level of an imbecile. The WCHS is a model shelter for this stupid stupid woman's information and it's 37 year record is proof. Ask anyone who is anyone within the animal rights world. This is shades of Safe Haven that recently closed down in Georgetown. All shelters have years of financial ups and downs and to clue in these imbeciles who are in obvious need of "schooling" the majority of your donations do not come from those who support THE CAUSE-Non Profit 101. They come because of the faces behind the cause. I agree, these people are making a huge mistake because of the way they handled this and it will hurt their bottom line ($$$$) like nothing has ever before. The turmoil causes distrust and distrust causes people to not support, which too contributed to Safe Haven's closing.

  18. God has blessed this woman, and I doubt that she will not prevail with that amount of power.

  19. For what ever reason, I have a feeling Kenille and her supporters, which are many, are going to have the last say in all of this. Her detractors, which are few, stand alone.

  20. Kenille has had her heart in the right place, that is for sure. This is such a sad situation. But, we only hear tidbits...why haven't ALL the facts been released? I am surprised there is not more support being shown for Kenille. I will also say, I know quite a few people who signed up to volunteer and were never called. Kenille wanted it done her way quite simply. Why is she only releasing parts of this letter she received? Put ALL the information out there ...then people can read and educate themselves. That being said...I don't know of any other person who would be willing to do what Kenille has done. Her heart and soul are those animals. Seems they could have brought someone in to handle the financial aspect and kept Kenille on. One person can only do so much. When that person is so overloaded stuff slips by the wayside. It's a waiting game now. I see...the contract not being renewed by the city...and the shelter closing.

  21. I'm know OC contracts out their animal control services with the shelter and the city does own the property and built the building for the shelter, so OC tax payers have a right to know what is going on 8:17. Not only that the Town is slated to do some renovations to the building next year according to the budget, and some of the repairs are specific to what the structure is currently being used as.
    I think the Town needs to halt these renovations until the tax payers get a clearer picture of the intentions of these people who are involved in this takeover. It's been rumored for years the Town wants the shelter to move since the golf course was built around it. The Town could always (as other local municipalities do) contract out animal control to the county, and possibly have this shelter pay rent.
    What ever is going on, the Town really does need to rethink the money allocated for shelter repairs.

  22. 8:17, I think she's doing the right thing by not releasing the letter in it's entirety. I personally, do not want to hear anything bad about her, since IMO her goodness outweighs any faults she may have. Releasing the entire letter will also make her supporters more upset, many of whom have already expressed a desire to shove a well deserved foot, up the rear ends of these rear ends who have done this to her.

  23. There is a special place in heaven for Kenille and the animals. She has always followed the gift The Lord have her... A true passion for the animals. Saint Kenille could bond with animals that no one else could. She is a dog whisperer. The pets know she is genuine and trust her. This is such a tragedy for the animals and Kenille . People can be so cruel but the animals love you unconditionally. Kenille made $15,000 a year and now they are advertising for someone to fill this position offering $50,000. Kenille did without so much the animals could have the best. The Lord knows the truth so those of you who think you are getting away with something will pay the price eventually. This is no way to treat such a dedicated and devoted person that given so much of herself to a wonderful cause. Kenille should be commended and been given an outstanding caring award . We love you Kenille and so do all the furry ones!

  24. So how many of you board of directors that want Kenille out would work for $15,000 a year, roll up your selves and do dirty work after hours and even spend the night on the streets until a dog could be rescued? Kenille was there for the animals 24-7! I bet you wouldn't do this for $50,000 a year.

  25. 7:33 and that's why the WCHS has been a success story while the majority of No Kill shelters fail and fail miserably. These are small insecure people, who I guarantee, will too fail miserably. Their intentions were nothing more than to show off because they need to feel important. They do stand alone because I've heard that people they think are with them are really against them and come Sunday they will see just how unpopular they are.

    The public has zero tolerance of the way Kenille was treated.

  26. So how many of you board of directors that want Kenille out would work for $15,000 a year, roll up your selves and do dirty work after hours and even spend the night on the streets until a dog could be rescued? Kenille was there for the animals 24-7! I bet you wouldn't do this for $50,000 a year.

  27. I wish we could see a picture of these jerks. We need to be able to escape if we come into contact with them. They are putrid, foul people and decent people shouldn't have to breath the same air as them. If any were related to me, I would refuse to eat Thanksgiving meal with such putridness, not too mention the embarrassment they've caused not only themselves, but their families. They need to go wallow in the cess pools them came from, and leave Kenille alone.


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