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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The media are doing a good job covering the ObamaCare launch problems. But like their coverage of President Obama's disastrous performance in his first presidential debate with Mitt Romney, there is a partisan motive at work here. The media want ObamaCare to succeed and believe that pounding away at the site problems will motivate the White House to get the site fixed.

While the tech problems are real and worth covering, so are five other ObamaCare catastrophes. But the media won't cover those because to do so might further undermine the program:

1. Millions are Losing Their Health Insurance

About 14 million Americans (not enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid) purchase their health insurance privately as opposed to through an employer. Because a large percentage of these plans do not cover everything ObamaCare mandates a policy cover -- among other things: birth control, mental health, maternity, vision, dental -- these plans are being cancelled -- no matter how happy people might be with them. We learned today that in just one state just one provider dropped 300,000 customers.

Now these 300,000 (and millions more, including spouses being dropped by UPS and other organizations) have not only lost the health insurance they were happy with, they have also been thrown into the nightmare of these ObamaCare exchanges. Moreover, because their old insurance plans were dumped for not covering everything the government now demands be covered, you can bet that the new plans will be more expensive.

And let's not forget that with a new health insurance plan, you can lose the doctor you had and liked under the old one. Repeatedly, President Obama promised the American people that his health care reforms would not cost people their doctors or force them off the health insurance plans they like. Now we know that was nothing more than a bald-faced lie.


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