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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

154,000 Fewer Women Held Jobs In September; Female Participation In Labor Force Matches 24-Year Low

American women participated in the nation’s labor force in September at a rate that matched the lowest level in 24 years, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
At the same time, the number of women actually holding jobs declined by 154,000 from August to September.

Because the number of women participating in the labor force declined in September, the drop in the number of women who were actually employed did not cause an increase in the unemployment rate for women.

In fact, even though 154,000 fewer women worked in August than September, the unemployment rate for women dropped from 6.8 percent to 6.7 percent.


1 comment:

  1. According to ongoing Barry Obomba enhanced storyline, jobs are at an all time high, the economy is booming and the satisfaction level of the American citizen gives me a 40+% approval rating, their muslim leader. My forced health plan has being gobbled up by the ever increasing health care needy. The pace of enrollment is at a feverish pitch, we can hardly keep up. The ObombaCare website is being overloaded with working class individuals more than willing to increase their current health care payments, all for the sake of those to tired to go to work today, tomorrow and forever, or for those feigning excessive sickness and an inability to find gainful employment without leaving their rented houses. That sounds fair? Meanwhile, feral government employees (presidents, halfpresidents (whitey boys named Blo Biden) congressmen and senators) are unable to acquire that same wonderful overpriced 40/60% health care coverage (40% them/60% YOU pay) and are hopelessly stuck with their same old, well thought out excessive health care coverage paid for by, once again, YOU the taxpayer. Everything else in this present economy is xstreamly healthy and upbeat, according to our forcefed liberal administration mainstream news media and P,T. Bury ALama. I'm a demoncrap and I believe every word I sez or has been written about me in a positive light. I am a hearder of sheeples Bahhhhhhhhhhh More grass anyone?


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