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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

IRS Wrongly Pays Out $110 Billion In Tax Credits

A Treasury investigator says the Internal Revenue Service has paid out more than $110 billion in tax credits over the past decade to people who didn't qualify for them.

The Earned Income Tax Credits were intended for poor working families. In a report released Tuesday, the IRS inspector general said more than one-fifth of all credits paid under the program went to people who didn't qualify.

The inspector general said the IRS is not doing enough to reduce the improper payments. The report said IRS efforts are hampered by unscrupulous tax preparers as well as honest families that have trouble calculating the complicated credit.

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  1. This is great news being they are in charge of Obamacare. Nothing can go wrong here.

  2. Not only THAT, 11:36, but the IRSs that they will not pursue the people who took all that money. I suppose they are too busy hassling regular WORKING people for $120. God, we are in such deep crap...


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