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Thursday, October 24, 2013

State BOE Plans To Enact A State-Wide, One Size Fits All Disciplinary Policy

The State Board of Education (BOE) is continuing flexing its muscles and plans to enact a state wide disciplinary policy. Currently, local elected school boards develop and enforce disciplinary policies. The proposed regulations totally usurp local control and place in it the hands of the State BOE, whose members are appointed by the governor.

The State BOE is forcing the proposed discipline policy through the approval process. They have broken protocol and not scheduled a public hearing. They have also cut the usual 90 day comment period to only 30 days.

Under the proposed student discipline regulations disruptive offenders will be more likely to remain in school, resulting in schools that are less orderly and safe.

The State BOE is only accepting feedback through Nov 4, 2013 and final action on these regulations will occur on Dec 10, 2013. Please comment asking them not to adopt the proposed regulations.

To comment:
Email rmurphy@msde.state.md.us
Call 410-767-0305 (TTY 410-333-6442)


  1. The state is trying to tell schools and counties that they are not allowed to discipline black kids because black kids are the majority of kids getting into trouble. What do you think Mark Thompson's job with the Wicomico County BOE is.

  2. Clearly the people making these decisions are 1) Totally ignorant to the real problems happening inside public schools and 2) The so called "leaders" have more than likely NEVER worked in the school system and therefore are making extremely uninformed decisions. I wonder how many of these decision makers have kids in the public school system.....probably none.

  3. Apparently in this county they also refuse to discipline anyone with special needs either. Schools are trying to but the boe won't let them. So sad..we won't let our children take responsibility for their own actions. We are raising a bunch of kids who get away with everything.

  4. Please write, email, or call. Our good kids need all the help they can get! We need to draw the line. Problem kids need to let others learn! We cannot change the home environment of discipline problem childen. Right now as it is, it requires teachers and administration to jump through many, many hoops to prove that they have done everything in their power and beyond before kids that are cursing at teachers daily, refusing to do any work at all, constantly disrupting others from learning, and in some cases causing physical and mental harm to others, are even put up for review to CHOICES. And then denied by the BOE because xy or z wasn't tried or documented.

    Yes, public education for all... Even when students spit on the very institution trying to help them.

    Do write, call, or email... Good kids need your help!!!

  5. Isn't the board advertising for two contractual workers to do 25 hours EACH regarding disproportionate minority contact with school administrators and law enforcement officers? That's 50 hours a week plus the position named by 12:56 PM which became a supervisory position this year. There's always money for students who abuse the school system.


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