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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Maryland Department Of Natural Resources Public Hearing Next Tuesday, Oct 29

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will be holding a public hearing on a proposal to redesignate 4 parcels of land in Worcester County to "wild lands."

The land in question is already state owned and preserved. According to the Dept. of Natural Resources letter, the redesignation to "wild land "will not change anything about the restrictions and privileges the current designation already provides. People will still be able to fish, hunt, etc on this land.

So why is so much time and money being spent to make this inconsequential change? I can't help but wonder if, in the future, "wild lands" might have more restrictions placed on them. If the Dept. of Natural Resources isn't planning on future restrictions for this land, why do they want to redesignate it?

Please attend the public hearing and ask the Dept. of Natural Resources representatives to keep the current designation.

Tuesday, Oct 29th at 7pm
Camp Store Dining Area
Shad Landing State Park

1 comment:

  1. It's Agenda 21. Eventually, Wild Lands will not have people on them at all. Those types of lands will continue to expand, as we are compressed into small, densly populated, easy to control communities.


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