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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tests Suggest Baby Born With HIV May Be Cured

Doctors now have convincing evidence that they put HIV into remission, hopefully for good, in a Mississippi baby born with the AIDS virus -- a medical first that is prompting a new look at how hard and fast such cases should be treated.

The case was reported earlier this year but some doctors were skeptical that the baby was really infected rather than testing positive because of exposure to virus in the mom's blood.

The new report, published online Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine, makes clear that the girl, now 3, was infected in the womb. She was treated unusually aggressively and shows no active infection despite stopping AIDS medicines 18 months ago.



  1. Billions have been spent on Aids and cancer research.One must ask what the purpose of all that was if people are still dying.Would a persons' life be in danger if he or she stumbled upon the absolute cure for either? Would tens of thousands of researchers gladly give up their high paying research jobs and turn the responsibility over to big pharma to produce the miracle cure? Of course not.Duh.

  2. I'm sure the key is to start treatment from birth.


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