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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Common Core On The Constitution?

I visited Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Benjamin Franklin's grave and the Visitors Center in Historic Philadelphia this weekend. In the Visitors Center I noticed a children's book on the Constitution marked Common Core. I was curious about what Common Core aligned curriculum on the Constitution would look like and have included pictures of certain pages that concerned me.

The introduction by the author, Carole Marsh, included these favorite sentences. "The Constitution is in some ways a living document, one that is still being debated and revised. Its wording was left intentionally vague in order to be interpreted in different ways over a period of time."

No Carole, the Constitution's wording is intentionally specific.

The page on the Bill of Rights has a matching exercise where children match the right with an example. Guess which amendment was conspicuously absent. You guessed it. There was no mention of the Right to Bear Arms.

I can only assume Carole did not want to mention the 2nd Amendment on the same page that read, "people are considered to be born with certain inalienable rights-that is, rights that the government may not take away." Since this government is working so hard to lay waste to the Right to Bear Arms, mentioning it might have been confusing.

The page explaining the amendment process listed a few proposed amendments that were never ratified. Then children are asked if they would vote Yes or No on these amendments. There were only 7 proposed amendment examples given. These screamed Agenda 21 to me.

Renaming this nation the "United States of Earth."
An attempt to limit personal wealth to $1 million.
An attempt to abolish the United States Senate.
American citizens should have the inalienable right to an environment free of pollution.

I am certain Benjamin Franklin was spinning in his grave.



  1. Lock & load, unless we get the Communist out of the White House.

  2. Commie Bastards! There might be a civil war again --- the commies vs the Constituionists!

  3. Where does it say the word God in the constitution? Just asking.

  4. You guys are freaking armchair warrior idiots.

  5. Agree with 12:34. This was some publisher's idea of what to do. Stop blaming the common core for liberal publishers. Pearson is making all of the cash...


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