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Monday, October 21, 2013

Existing Home Sales Plunge At Fastest Pace In 15 Month As Affordability Drops To 5 Year Low

Thanks to a considerable downward revision of the magical NAR numbers, the existing home sales MoM 'beat' expectations for September but the two-month average shows the largest drop in sales since June 2012. From the "cylical peak" in July, of course extrapolated by any and all apologists as confirming the voyage to the moon, it seems, just as we noted, that "affordability" - long shunned by the bulls (because, like you know, interest rates are still low compare to the 1970s...) - has collapsed to five-year lows; worse, in fact, than we expected [3]. With 33% of all transactions cash, it is little surprise that affordability has fallen to a five-year low as home price increases easily outpaced income growth.


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