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Monday, October 21, 2013

Hot Wheels For Roberto's Hot Peanuts

I am trying to raise $30,000 to buy a used lift-van for a dear friend and neighbor who has ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. My name is Kate Manizade, and I live down the block, and have watched this disease attack our friend and neighbor.

His name is Robert Ortiz, he has a wife and three children, and needs this van to get to doctor's appointments and to get out and about using his power-chair. A used Toyota or Honda handicapped-compatible van starts around $30k. Robert didn't ask me to do this, but when I asked him to let me do it, he said "Ok".


  1. Where does Roberto live?

  2. He lives in Salisbury.
    I know him from being a patient.
    He is the nicest person, patient, and kind.
    It is sad to watch the condition progressing.

  3. Call bayrunner shuttle on riverside dr they have one

  4. Robert is a great guy with a wonderful family! He now needs his community to help him out- click on the link and watch the video. Make a donation- it all adds up!!

  5. Once again, Kate Manizade and her family show the high quality of people they are. Mike Dunn insulted her. He's not fit to lick her boots.

  6. Contact that place in Mardela I hear they work with people very well. I think they call it van go

  7. Robert O lives in SBY. He's just about the best neighbor you could ask for. He never refused his help to anybody who asked. Perhaps as important as money are prayers that somehow this awful disease can be arrested in his case, and for anyone who suffers with it. It is 100% fatal and it also impoverishes the families of people who have it.

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