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Monday, October 21, 2013

Interesting Take!!!

I have worked in the government on and off for 38 years. During that time I became quite familiar with requisitions, bidding, awarding contracts etc. It is a time consuming process with bean-counters and pencil-necked bureaucrats every step of the way. The simplest request takes months not days or hours.

In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, "miraculously", professionally printed, 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands saying- “this [park, facility, etc. with custom logos and current dates] closed due to government shutdown.
There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years. These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, government contracts were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed through U.S. Mails or freight companies.

This shutdown was orchestrated, and planned well in advance, at least 6-8 month ago.

Millions of tax dollars were appropriated and spent in this process. There is a paper trail a mile long leading directly to the White House.


  1. Sorry honey.. I have worked in the contract area as well. All that is needed is a "task oriented" contract and to keep it under a dollar threshold.

    I don't argue with you that some of what we have seen blamed on "shutdown" has been phony.

  2. This makes perfectly good sense but the question is what is anybody going to do about it? It just seems Obama can trash the country and we are willing to sit back and let him do it. I see no potential action by the people or the representatives that were elected to stop these kinds of actions.

  3. I guess the question is, how do you get Obama voters to understand they are being used and hoodwinked by this Communist?
    They can't put 2 and 2 together by themselves because of the liberals that have dumbed down the education system.
    Even people that know the difference and should be able to see the deceit refuse to.

  4. I believe this. Government is by nature slow. And it should be. Our Founders designed it that way to allow discussion, debate and negotiation. It is suspect when things go quickly.

  5. 6:16 So how is this "task oriented" directive implemented in 6 hours, printed and posted even in Europe? Obama failed to compromise at midnight and the signs were posted before 6:00 am. Give me a break. You are saying that they were not pre-printed?

  6. 643 sounds like you are the one getting hoodwinked. You seem to believe that one party is the bastion of evil while the other is your savior. You're getting played by the right-wing politicians and pundits just like many hard core liberals are getting played on the left.


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