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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Craigslist Makes Turning Food Stamps Into Cash A SNAP

Food stamp recipients are turning the government handouts into quick cash with ads on Craigslist, despite efforts to stem fraud.

The federally-funded grocery assistance coupons -- which are issued by states in the form of debit cards under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) -- are being sold on the online bulletin board as well as auction sites like eBay. FoxNews.com found several offerings at Craigslist sites around the country, where the sellers offered the welfare benefits at large discounts from face value.
"I have food stamps for sale..... Serious Replies only!!!"
- Craigslist ad
“If you need food. This is not a gimmick or game,” read one posting from Philadelphia. “Please let me know, I have food stamps for sale..... Serious Replies only!!!”



  1. Every parent (ALL determined by DNA if necessary) having to go on welfare, before the welfare/food stamp program starts, both male and female parents, should be forced to have their tubes tied and vasectomies. Any refusal would result in NO payments. NO aid from any state or federal program.

  2. 12:53, I hope you never find yourself in an unfortunate situation. Not everyone on state/federal assistance planned on being in that situation, and to say that the poor population should be fixed is beyond ridiculous. This country is working on becoming nazi Germany more and more everyday, and people with the "let the poor starve" and "welfare is breaking the country" are part of that problem. Contrary to popular belief, those on government assistance are a miniscule part of why this country is going broke. Fighting trillion dollar wars for oil so the rich man could line his pockets, is why this country is broke. Sending jobs oversees, so that you can pay cheap labor, is why nobody has a job. GREED is why this country is failing. The last time I checked, trillions of our tax dollars weren't being spent on welfare participants.

  3. Seems to me the investigation of these kinds of ads would be a good use of public funds.

  4. 1:23...waste and fraud is obviously a problem. But not as big a problem as the blatant greed of the ruling elite. The "Jobs Czar" obama appointed is a great example. I guess he is supposed to make sure there are jobs OVERSEAS, because I haven't seen anything he's done except enrich himself and his friends while advocating and promoting transfer of American jobs overseas, because, you know, Bill Gates, the Waltons, and dozens of others, are down to their last 20-50 billion and just can't afford to pay Americans more than $8 an hour. You hit a good one; not a home run, but a solid triple....


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