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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If You Believe In The Recovery, Do Not Look At This Chart

Just a few moar years of unlimited open-ended quantitative money printing and we are sure this will all be fixed...

Of course it does beg the question Rick Santelli asked...

"[What the Fed minutes said] is, listen, we have to wait for bigger confirmation that the economy is doing better; and for that, we're going to look at the employment side. [At the same time] we have the fewest people working that can work in 30 years, and all-time-record-high profits for corporations. Now, does that strategy sound rational to you?" It seems, now that Bernanke has seemingly promised that it will really never end, that Santelli's question will become increasingly critical in this country.



  1. Note that the largest spike in our history of this record keeping came when Obama was elected. He said he was going to transform America and his record looks like he has done it. Can't people see what's going on here and get this imposter out of office? He is not an American.

  2. 90,000,000+ available workers 16 and older out of work in this country and the Obama regime says the unemployment rate is at 7.25%?
    Lies. Deceit. Treason. Obama regime.

  3. I feel sorry for all these college kids. just think how many part time jobs they will be working to pay off there debt .

  4. Good Lord. We are doomed. No full tome jobs anymore. 2 jobs each for college graduates. Thank you, Obama.


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