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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wicomico County Health Department Requests Input On Community Health Needs Assessment Survey

Approximately every five years since 1995, the Wicomico County Health Department has worked collaboratively with Worcester and Somerset Counties to complete a Community Health Assessment (CHA). In preparation for the 2014 CHA, the Wicomico County Health Department is requesting community participation.
The Health Department would like to gather thoughts and ideas about what County residents believe are the biggest public health issues facing our community and what strategies will assist in resolving these issues. An online survey has been created to capture this information. The results of the community survey will be used to help the Wicomico County Health Department identify new programs, service needs, and grant opportunities, as well as foster partnerships to help meet the needs of our community. 
The survey is accessible by visiting the following link: 
The survey will be available for input until 9/30/14. Residents who are unable to access the survey link may also call the Health Department to discuss thoughts with Brenda Williams at BrendaL.Williams@maryland.gov or 410-860-4593
“The community health survey is an excellent opportunity for residents to be a part of helping to improve the public health of Wicomico County. I encourage everyone to reflect on the public health issues of Wicomico County, think about where improvements are needed, and let your voice be heard,” said Lori Brewster, Health Officer for Wicomico County. “Input will assist in driving our community health improvement plan for the next five years, and a solid representation of our community’s opinion is critical” said Brewster. 
The community health assessment conducted in 2009 identified the following areas for improvement:
Overweight, Obesity and Lack of Physical Activity
Mental Health
Access to Care
After a review of the assessment in 2009, the Wicomico County Health Planning Board identified diabetes, obesity and mental health as 3 focus areas through 2013. Community coalitions were organized in 2011 and have been working on strategies to improve the identified issues. Results from the 2014 CHA, will impact how these existing coalitions will move forward in their plans. 
In 2011, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Health Hygiene (DHMH) implemented the State Health Improvement Process (SHIP). As a result, the Tri-County Local Health Improvement Coalition (LHIC) was established and the 3 lower Eastern Shore counties have been collaboratively working on initiatives to address obesity and diabetes.
The work of the Health Department continues to adapt with changes in health care reform, financing and community needs. The mission of the Health Department is to maximize the health of citizens by providing access to opportunities that promote physical, behavioral, and environmental health through preventive, educational, assessment, clinical, monitoring and regulatory programs. This project is a collaborative effort and can only be achieved successfully with community involvement and partnerships with other entities providing outreach, education and services in the community.
Please take a moment to complete the online survey to help promote and support a healthy Wicomico.


  1. I think you should purchase all the MREs you can get your hands on .

  2. Isn't it these peoples jobs to know what the needs are? What will a survey do, justify why you have a job?

  3. I would not know what the needs of others are. I will, however, go to the site and see if I feel I can help. I don't think there is much trust for health care facilities in this town based on all the comments I have been reading. From what I see on the streets, especially near downtown there seems to be a mental health issue here but I believe that is the same everywhere in this country.


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