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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Slower Holiday Sales Growth Predicted For 2013

Coming off of a weak back-to-school shopping period, a research firm expects holiday sales growth will be slower this year during the crucial holiday season. Shoppers are also expected to visit fewer stores as they research purchases online.

Retail revenue in November and December should rise 2.4 percent during the biggest shopping period of the year, Chicago-based research firm ShopperTrak said Tuesday. That compares with a 3 percent increase in 2012 from 2011.

“Although the economy continues to recover slowly, consumers remain cautious about spending and are not ready to splurge,” said ShopperTrak founder Bill Martin.



  1. Well, nobody has jobs...

  2. Who has money for Christmas? I can tell you that every year my Christmas has become more Christ based and less commercial starting BEFORE the recession.


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