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Sunday, September 29, 2013

What Is 10,685?


  1. Good job. Keep it up. That's one way to reduce racism.

  2. Don't care. They don't care so why should the rest of us care or feel guilty. I'm white and I don't care about black on black violence nor do I feel any guilt about slavery because I've never owned a slave and I can't turn back the history clock. Maybe if they, meaning blacks like the communists Sharpton & Jackson, didn't blame the white man for their own inherited flaws and lack of humanity, then maybe a lot more folks across all cultural lines would want to help. In addition, until black America starts accepting responsibility for their negative actions, the only thing that will cure this cancer is summary execution & the removal of these so called humans from the human race permanently. I will not apologize for my stance on black on black violence because it is what it is and playing the racial blame game is only an attempt by black America to make White America feel guilty about the inferior family standards and lack of humanity that is so apparent with black America. We'll help you clean your house as long as we're not blamed for the filth within.

  3. That's 21.25/day, just shy of 1/hour.

    Oh.., & BTW.., I want to echo what 6:44PM said.

  4. Well said 6:44. Tired of the blacks today who knew nothing of slavery yet alone racism of the 50's and 60's claiming they are oppressed. There is no oppression. Blacks have it easier now more so than whites. And all killings are bad. no matter who is killing who... but hardly no mention from the 2 hypocrytes you mention about all the black on black. Sharptomn and Jackson should be ashamed.

  5. What about all the black on black violence that does not lead to death but swamps our healthcare system with people that do not pay for any services they receive. It costs all of us a lot of money and with Obamacare it will just get worse, God help us!

  6. Sharpton & Jackson are the biggest racists and hypocrites out there. All they do is fuel racial tension--they have to--that is how they make money!

  7. What about black on white crime? It is rampant all over this country and the media and government neglect to address that problem of racism and hate crime.

  8. 12:08 - One of the reasons we have and need less gun control - if we can continue to defend ourselves from these thugs and hoodlums, those numbers will continue to decrease.....

    Good job 6:44!

  9. Aw, for once I wish you guys would base your criticisms off of a full view of the facts. Not the selective narrative you've been fed. Both Sharpton and Jackson and have actively involved in the fight against crime in black communities. 30 seconds of google would pull up plenty of the activities and initiatives they have pushed in cities like chicago.

    Jim, "Blacks have it easier now more so than whites."

    Maybe you should consult some statistics before you spout nonsense. I agree, blacks are not oppressed today in America. But you just spouted a pile of crud with that line above.

    And you guys are too funny with the "blacks don't accept responsibility". Last I checked, most blacks are out here working hard to get ahead and raising families just like everyone else. It's not our fault if we are simply outbred by those in society who choose not to do so.

  10. 7:45 Look at all the good they've done in Chicago...need more of that!

  11. 7:45 - I cannot respect your position because your lack of facts position supports 6:44 totally. Statistics have been consulted as demonstrated with numbers on food stamps stats, single family stats, crime stats, prison & probation stats & stats in Chicago in conjunction with national stats concerning violent crime. As for Sharpton & Jackson, they are profiting from non-substantiated racial hatred and on the very backs of black Americans because black America does't possess the intellect to see through this sham. Black America readily accepts this "blame the white man" mentality because they can't own the responsibility necessary for progress. And one more issue, having an ID to vote should not be a problem since an ID will be required for medical care under ObamaCare. So take your "blame the white man" mentality and go on the road with the communists and profiteers Sharpton & Jackson.

  12. 836 Seems you are wasting your time on this board. With all these mind reading powers, you should be working to solve more substantive issues.

    How does anything you presented support the statement "blacks have it easier than whites"? Last I checked, food stamps are equally available to all races and the other stats you mention would seem to prove the exact opposite of the highlighted statement.

    Although Sharpton and Jackson are actively involved in positive efforts, they play the same media machine that Rush, Hannity, Beck and others utilize to profit off of your demographic. Seems to me it's not a problem with "black intellect" just a problem with intellect.

    Perhaps you should actually speak with black people or atleast consult a comprehensive study before generalizing what black people think. You actually haven't provided any facts, only broad uninformed opinions.

  13. 10:15 - As a matter of fact I have read & studied many stats as well as studies concerning the failure of black progress and racial matters in America today. Have you? Black intellect, or rather the lack of, is just one of many problems effecting black America. As for Rush, Hannity, Beck & others, I can find no evidence of racial hatred being a driving factor. It seems, and I encourage to verify, that their commentaries are based on fact and not the falsehoods as Sharpton and Jackson eagerly promote. Black America has got to stop portraying being the victim with taking responsibility for their own shortcomings and start correcting same. Instead of pointing the blame finger perhaps black America should extend their hand in a concerted effort to change their victim intellect, reclaim personal responsibility and with this make America stronger for all Americans. Sharpton and Jackson base their sole existence on unsubstantiated racism, distrust and fear mongering. It would benefit black America to instead look at role models such as Dr. Benjamin Carson for good, decent, moral and just leadership. And this you should know, I'm a black female American who believes in hard work, education, taking responsibility for her own personal non-racist destiny and looking at all sides of an issue. I do not agree with Affirmative Action because the way I see it there's been a fair playing field for the last 50 or so years. I don't blame my set backs because I'm black. Show pride for all Americans and not ignorance concerning the facts combined with truth.

  14. LOL 1103 you truly are a genius. If you are a black female, then I'm amazed at your ability to simultaneously practice such a high level of self hatred and self-aggrandizing. Again, please put those powerful mind reading tricks of yours, which according to you have allowed you to accurately characterize an entire race, to better use.

  15. 1:43 - Not self hatred but instead true facts about my race in America are hard for most Black Americans to understand and apparently you're one. Every Black American that illustrates problems with our race is not a self hating individual. Perhaps if you would stop patronizing those of us who have taken the time to study the dynamics of race in America and read the hard facts yourself, then perhaps you'll gain some understanding of the real problems facing Black America today. However, on the other hand, that would take initiative especially when folks like Sharpton & Jackson want to make us feel so good and righteous by playing the race card at every chance. Own the responsibility of being a Black American and take control of your own destiny. In addition, I'm a Black American and not an African American. If you know your ancestral history well enough you would realize that it was black Africans that sold your ancestors into slavery. So I guess everybody should share the guilt that we, as of today, had no part in.

  16. The length and intensity of aforementioned comments reflect the sheer hopelessness of the situation.Why are we still even discussing racial problems in 2013? Because there is no solution nor will there ever be.Just go on with your life & realize that you're dealing with an impossible situation that has no resolve.We don't need your history lessons or your insight.Racism cannot be fixed.Accept that.


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