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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cell Phones, Seat Belt Laws Change Oct. 1

It becomes a primary offense for drivers to use a cell phone while at the wheel and fines for seat belt violations are going up, effective Oct. 1.

Currently, police can issue citations for cell phone use if the driver commits another driving infraction like speeding or reckless driving, for example. The new law also expands the prohibition of handheld devices while in the “travel portion of the roadway,” according to a release from Maryland State Police.

First-time violators are subject to a $75 fine, an increase from $40. Second violations will cost drivers $125 and $175 for subsequent violations.



  1. Can a passenger in the car, hold the phone while you talk and drive?

  2. more money. you can bet the police will be stopping everyone they can. Its all about the money....

    1. no 2:52, it is about people should be focusing on driving when driving. It is not just about your safety, it is about the people driving around you that may take it more seriously and their safety that is being compromised.

  3. Thank goodness I can still eat, read a book and put on make up.

  4. Money grab and another reason to stop/interrogate/search people. Another check mark in column titled "Reasons to move South".

  5. Based upon frequent observation, a lotta cops will be pulling over a lotta cops. Rare to see one on the roll who is not on a phone, in spite of patrol cars stuffed with every other technical piece of gear.

    Civilians are guilty of poor judgement also in using cells way too much.

  6. "Reasons to move South".
    LOL! I hope your talking real far south like Mexico. Every idiot state is involved in the money grab. Mexico can produce some good deals. the hard part is keeping your little treasures.

  7. if the cops need to hand out fines, then start with the cars parked in the fire lanes at Walmart etc. They could clean up!

  8. cops don't get money from traffic citations, so no its not about money.

  9. Good law.as a biker i do not condone cellphone use at all...this problem is just as bad as drunk drivers..or worse.....kind of hypicritical of cops to have use but we cant.thats bad law...

  10. say what you want- you I didn't do anything now crowd... because you're next..... this is just another episode in as the vice closes around our necks...brought by your facist nanny state mommy..and insurance companies..

  11. 5:13 PM
    Take your meds this morning?

  12. So 5:22 just because i do not support a nanny state in any form you assume i need meds? You know what assuming gets ya...Fine you facist libtarded marixist demoturd...i took the liberty of assuming that your one...proud vet med free and employed just FED UP WITH GOVERNMENT INTRUSION

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    if the cops need to hand out fines, then start with the cars parked in the fire lanes at Walmart etc. They could clean up!

    September 23, 2013 at 4:58 PM

    Aww, did someone get in your way and caused you to lose a few seconds? Was it that much of a struggle to go around?

    How dare anyone get in the way of such an important person as yourself.

    Keep snitching on them. That will teach them all a lesson.

    While you're at it, snitch on the ones who don't use their turn signals or stop for the stop signs in the parking lot too. A lot of people seem to think they don't have to.

    When you get those people straightened out, you can begin snitching on the ones who take up two parking spaces and the ones who can't park inside the lines.

    Nice work, good and faithful servant.

    1. you must be one of the "a "holes that thinks they are better than anyone else and the laws do not apply to you! next time get your fat butt out of the car and walk! you could use the excersise..BTW put the electric scooter back where you got it for others to use instead of leaving in the parking lot you jerk!

  14. 6:21 PM

    I think he was referring to the structure of your sentence, or lack thereof.

    It did not make any sense.

    But it sounds like you could use some meds.

  15. Uggghhh. Nothing worse than the grammar police. Rude.

  16. When cops get off the cell phone in their car then I will. One more ignorant restrictive law to make sure the sheeple cant fight back against a repressive government. Every alphabet government and state police agency can have and use a cell phone in the car but not the people. Kiss my azz.
    Signed "We the People"

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Uggghhh. Nothing worse than the grammar police. Rude.

    September 23, 2013 at 7:45 PM

    nothing worse than someone who cannot make a coherent sentence. It's more than correcting grammar. You wrote gibberish.

  18. I wonder if an ice cream cone qualifies as a handheld device?? Bet it will eventually.

  19. 95% of the people behind the wheel cant drive much less have a distraction like a phone glued to their ear. I see it daily. Why is purchasing a bluetooth device so difficult? These laws are in place due to the dumba$$ people. If you choose to talk on the phone and kill a family member the law isnt gonna help you.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    you must be one of the "a "holes that thinks they are better than anyone else and the laws do not apply to you! next time get your fat butt out of the car and walk! you could use the excersise..BTW put the electric scooter back where you got it for others to use instead of leaving in the parking lot you jerk!

    September 24, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    Yup, you definitely need meds. Or an education. Or maybe both. Yeah, I'm betting both.


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