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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Can Inner-City Gangsters Be Stopped?

Gang violence is afflicting some of our major cities, Chicago chief amongst them. As I write, there are reports coming in regarding a shooting of 13 people at a basketball court in the Second City. Fortunately, no one was killed in this episode. But a three year old boy is now in critical condition as a result of being shot, and the not unreasonable expectation is that retaliation from the aggrieved gang toward the perpetrators of this particular act will soon follow. According to USA Today, this bout of gunfire was due to a dispute between the Gangster Disciples and the Black P Stone Nation gang. Neither is likely to sue the other in a court of law to settle their grievances with each other.

The purpose of the present essay is to offer the libertarian solution to this problem of inner city gangs, shootings, violence. How can we radically reduce if not entirely eliminate these acts of barbarism? But before we offer the correct (e.g., libertarian) analysis of this situation, let us consider those offered, and now often implemented, by our friends on the left and the right. (We libertarians fit into neither of these categories. We are neither “liberals” nor “progressives” nor “socialists” nor “communists” nor “neighborhood organizers” nor “left-wingers” nor “Democrats.” Nor are we “conservatives” or “right-wingers” or “fascists” or “constitutionalists” or “Republicans.” We are something apart and separate from both of them. We are libertarians. Hear us ROAR! )



  1. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor they had actually planned to attack the coast of California at about the same time. When the Japanese plans were revealed during their surrender the leaders were asked why they had not carried out the plans to attack the coast of California and they revealed that movies about and T.V. shows talked about the guns in every American household and they feared there would be an American behind every tree with a gun waiting to defend the U.S.A. If this same fear was placed in the hearts & minds of criminals around this nation I assure you the results would be the same!

  2. Great thought but it's too little too late for the US.Our best days are behind us.Waaay behind us.

  3. Not with todays mind set. Tribal rule is the name of the game. Gangs rule and people fear them.

  4. 3:55 PM I agree to a certain extent, but I still have hope this country can change if We as a nation do what we know in our hearts we must do.

  5. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

  6. Even God reads SBY News.I'm impressed!!

  7. As long as liberals protect gangs,we will have them.

  8. Large Roach Motels in every inner city in the US
    “Roaches go in, but they don’t come out.”

  9. Summary execution for all gang members. This is a cancer that must be removed by any means possible & as soon as possible. They are not human beings; they are vermin and a fast spreading cancer with no redeeming value.

  10. Yes, they can be stopped.

    Get the ineffective police and politicians out of the way and let citizens handle it.

    The law and the world are backwards when someone defends themself and THEY get arrested while the criminal walks away. Maybe returning later to SUE the victim.

  11. If law enforcement truly wanted to rid our cities of gangs they would look at them for what they really are, TERRORISTS.
    The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is all the authority that's necessary.
    Scoop these despicable vermin up and disappear them. "Rendition" them, as it were.
    However, the cowardice of law enforcement will prevail and America will continue on it's self-destructive path. Should America finally fall, it will be at the hand of law enforcement.

  12. That is what the 2nd amendment is for.


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