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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Warren Buffett: Scrap Obamacare And Start Over

You know things are bad for President Obama when even Warren Buffett has soured on Obamacare and says that "we need something else." Money Morning writes:

"Healthcare costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our economic body.

"Those words come from famed investor Warren Buffett, who said he would scrap Obamacare and start all over.

"'We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control,' he added. 'And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else.'

"Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.



  1. He said this in 2009. Has changed his tune since.

  2. this jerk promoted this full force and now says to can it? go home warren... you've done enough damage to our nation.

  3. wolf in sheep's clothing, Read the words. He's not or repeal, he's for tuning it to profit himself.



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