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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pro-Opposition Syria Analyst O'Bagy Admits She Was Never Enrolled In Ph.D. Program

Embattled Syria analyst Elizabeth O'Bagy now admits she was never enrolled in a Ph.D. program despite claims to the contrary as she rose -- and quickly fell -- as a prominent scholar whose writings were used to make the case for military intervention in Syria.
O'Bagy also has resigned from a Washington-based, pro-Syrian opposition group in the wake of the controversy. 



  1. Another Obama appointee. Does it ever stop?

  2. Wasn't she vetted before her advice was even considered? Isn't this how a prudent administration would handle things? This is a most serious of matters. The gross incompetence of this admin grows by leaps and bounds daily.
    Obama is incapable and at this point should just finish out his term "shaking his groove thing" and listening to Jay Z music. That's more his speed. Oh and playing basketball also.


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