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Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Truth About Common Core


  1. Spot on! Hilarious!( and cute)

  2. I am so glad my children are getting ready to graduate. Public school is not about education anymore.

  3. I am so glad my children are getting ready to graduate. Public school is not about education anymore.

    September 25, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    Are you sure they got one?

  4. It's all about gov't control over the population.. Orwell was right. It is HERE NOW.!

  5. 11:25 :) Luckily they were in private school through 8th grade so they had a great foundation. They take a few AP classes but you should see some of the nonsense that comes home. If I could do it all over again (and afford it) they would still be going to private school.

  6. 12:20 Right on... better drugs in the private schools.

  7. Depends on the private school...
    Salisbury School is a bunch of leftwing progressive dimwits.

  8. 12:28 wrong. Drug issues are the same at both public and private schools.

  9. According to posts and comments I've read,the students in this community are poorly educated.I mean REALLY poorly educated.Thank goodness the parents bombard them with knowledge when they get home.Otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance.

    1. Your kidding right? Parents bombard them with knowledge at home??

  10. 12:20 PM

    good for you. I'm surprised anyone still goes to public schools, especially in this area.

  11. 5:57-Of course I was kidding.The parents went through the same system,unless they had kids real late in life.Kinda like the blind leading the blind.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    According to posts and comments I've read,the students in this community are poorly educated.I mean REALLY poorly educated.Thank goodness the parents bombard them with knowledge when they get home.Otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance.

    September 25, 2013 at 4:23 PM

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  13. From what I have read, going to a private school won't matter in a few years. They are allegedly going to SAT with common core. So private schools will have to adapt, along with home schoolers.

    Common Core is terrible.


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