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Sunday, September 29, 2013

French Police Enforcing Burka Ban


  1. Good for them! If they want to live in a country, they should respect the laws and culture of that country and not try to change western culture into some third world hell hole!!!!
    Need this to happen here in the U.S.!!!

  2. Now the French have more balls then the the USA. We should also outlaw the Burka here. Lets start wit Burka Obama.

  3. If I can't walk around the shopping districts in the USA wearing a facemask or other disguise, neither can they! The burka is nothing more than a bank robber's mask!

  4. we've been a third world hell hole since election day 2008.

  5. The correct spelling is burqa.

  6. Ok 10:19. So now let's get rid of burqa Obama.

  7. Regardless of how your personally feel, if you visit a foreign country you are subject to their laws. Not very smart of that women.

  8. Good thing this hasn't come to America. I love my freedom too much to tell others what they can and can't wear.

  9. 10:31 Give me a freaking break...go to a foreign country and break some law because it is legal here and see what happens. I cannot just put on a burka (sp) and walk into a bank. Get real or go to the middle east

  10. 1031 it is coming to America.

  11. Jack,

    That's why I'm saying I'm glad I live in America! These stupid laws banning articles of clothing will never fly here! I can wear whatever I want to bank (assuming I'm actually wearing something).

  12. 12:52
    I don't think you can enter a bank with something that is covering your entire face.


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