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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kerry Signs UN Arms Treaty, Senators Threaten To Block It

Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

In advance of the signing, a State Department official said the treaty would "reduce the risk that international transfers of conventional arms will be used to carry out the world's worst crimes," while protecting gun rights.

"The treaty builds on decades of cooperative efforts to stem the international, illegal, and illicit trade in conventional weapons that benefits terrorists and rogue agents," the official said. 



  1. Senators better block it. Call your senator now.

  2. Somebody take a small arm and show him how it's used.

  3. POST CONSTITUTIONAL PERIODSeptember 25, 2013 at 11:25 AM

    This is not Constitutional if you read our Constitution...

    Obama has thrusts us into a "POST CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD"

    BUT, there is still a way for us who believe in our Founding Document: Read Mark Levins' new book "THE LIBERTY AMENDMENTS"

  4. Rogue agents like Obama and Holder??
    (fast and furious)

  5. Does this mean that the govt will stop selling arms to terrorist factions? I think not.

  6. This treaty regulates small arms that can be used in public places. It's an obvious back door to gun confiscation in this country. And you know that Mikulski and Cardin are going to vote to ratify.

    Our saving grace is that the Constitution does not allow for ratification of this treaty. Affirmative votes will be illegal and outside the scope of powers given to the senate and the executive branch, and will instead stand to identify those who have abrogated their sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution.

    Hopefully a brave Representative will bring about articles of impeachment on Kerry for his signature.

  7. Isn't it strange that Obama thinks Al Qaeda in Syria needs weapons from us, but we don't need weapons of our own? It's almost as if our lives and our country are not as important as the lives of foreign terrorists.

  8. Can one of you paranoid lunatics explain to me how a UN treaty could supersede the United States Constitution? You people need a civics class.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Can one of you paranoid lunatics explain to me how a UN treaty could supersede the United States Constitution? You people need a civics class.

    September 25, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    wow you really are lost aren't ya

  10. He can sign anything he wants but his liberal pansy ass actions will not take away the will of the American people. The Senate has already voted this down. He may sign it into law but it means nothing. Just another photo opt for Obama.

  11. 2:30 signing an UN arms agreement regarding small arms in the hands of citizens is in direct violation of the second amendment!

  12. These aristocrats all have armed security details, but want to disarm us? How out of touch and arrogant can you get?

  13. In case nobody has noticed it appears that the constitution means absolutely nothing to these highjackers of our country. God may be our only hope!


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