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Monday, September 09, 2013

Report: World Entering A Period Of Global Cooling

A report reveals that the global cooling that began in 1997 may continue until mid-century.

A cool Arctic summer has resulted in 60 percent more ocean area covered in ice than last year, the Mail Online reports. That has left several yachts and one cruise ship trying to sail the Northwest Passage either stranded or searching for a new route.

Many top scientists who had predicted a continuing rise in global temperatures after the two decades of increases in the 1980s and '90s are backtracking, the Mail reports.

"The pause – which has now been accepted as real by every major climate research centre – is important, because the models’ predictions of ever-increasing global temperatures have made many of the world’s economies divert billions of pounds into ‘green’ measures to counter climate change," the Mail said.



  1. OMG.. You mean Al Gore has been lying about this?

  2. we've been in a period of "cooling" for a number of years now.

    your lies will find you out and be exposed eventually.

  3. We have 4 seasons normallySeptember 9, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    Obama failed science class in the Kenya school districts...

  4. Articles like this leave SBY News readers befuttled.First it's too hot,then it's too cold.What's a Republican to do?

  5. 327...is that u fat boy Jt....?

  6. The climate of the earth has changed since the beginning.
    We can not stop it, alter it, speed it up, or slow it down.
    Don't even try the "burning fossil fuels" B.S. The earth has been burning toxic fossil fuels for millions of years.
    If man has had any effect it has been to burn them cleaner and more efficiently.


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