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Monday, September 09, 2013

Court Martial For Christian By Lesbian Commander

Updating our earlier report on Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk, a Christian serving in the Air Force whose unit is now commanded by a lesbian: according to Monk’s complaint filed with his superiors, he was relieved of duty for refusing his commander’s order to say he supports gay marriage.

Now the Air Force has taken the first steps to criminally investigate Monk for talking to the media about his situation. Despite the fact that earlier this year the Obama-Hagel Pentagon said they would never court-martial a service member for their Christian faith, they have taken the first steps to possibly court-martial Monk.



  1. Funny how the name of the Lesbian C.O. is never revealed. Why not send her out onto the Battlefield if she is so concerned with equal rights and stand up against Islamic jihadists--see how long she lasts. Hypocritical ying bullies--thats the LGBT way.

  2. 12.20, I'm with you! They are smearing his name what 4+ times in the article, and fail to mention the accuser, who has no balls, name? Judges before trial? The "all above you" needs no names???? F.U. You want to accuse, sign your name first. The accused has a right of innocent until PROVEN guilty, so the accused name should be withheld primarily, bu default.


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