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Monday, September 09, 2013

O’Malley Joins Call For Minimum Wage Hike, But Not Corporate Tax Cut

Throughout his two terms as governor, Martin O’Malley has portrayed himself in words and deeds as a champion of Maryland’s working class. He’s a neo-New Dealer who sees his political future through the lens of becoming known as “the working family’s governor.”

Now O’Malley has joined the Democratic stampede to support a major jump in the state’s minimum wage. He has also made it clear he won’t be sponsoring any bills to lower Maryland’s corporate income tax as a sop to the business community.

Neither move is unexpected.



  1. Working family's governor? Guess he hasn't heard the news that unemployment has doubled since he took office.

  2. Come on you Libtards do you really expect anything else from Governor O'Dumbass.

  3. "With the economy improving in Maryland.."??? Where did they get this information from?? O"Malley?? All around me, the economy is in freefall.

  4. He is really "Business Friendly". No wonder Maryland cannot attract good employers with stable jobs. He is an "Obama Wannabee" with his communist credentials and his lack of understanding for the middle class. We've scored two so far with the worst president since Jimmy Carter and now with the worst governor Maryland has ever had. Maybe one day when he is standing in the pit of hell he'll finally understand that his communist administration choked us to death thru excessive taxes/ fees, gay marriage, repealing the death penalty & making sure that only criminals will access to firearms! He is the true definition of a pure political whore. May he rot in hell.

  5. Owe=Malley has not a clue how to grow business.


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