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Monday, September 09, 2013

US Intelligence Officials To Obama: It wasn't Assad

A dozen former US military and intelligence officials have told US President Barack Obama that they are picking up information that proves Syrian government was not responsible for the chemical attack near Damascus on August 21.

“We regret to inform you that some of our former co-workers are telling us, categorically, that contrary to the claims of your administration, the most reliable intelligence shows that Bashar al-Assad was NOT responsible for the chemical incident that killed and injured Syrian civilians on August 21, and that British intelligence officials also know this,” they wrote to Obama.



  1. That should make Obama back down now. He will not "save face" either way. Bottom line is that Obama, as president, is a job that is over his head.

  2. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 9, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    This info has been on internet for 5 or 6 days now and it has been completely ignored by this administration and liberal MSM as well. These people can carry less about facts, evidence means nothing to them. Obama wanted Asad removed long time ago and he is just looking for justifialble excuse to take him out and put another "leader" of Muslim Brotherhood in charge. Kind of like Morsi did in Egypt and we all see how that turned out. If you want know why we supporting Muslim Brotherhood Rebels, ask the Muslim Woman in the White House - Valerie Jarrettt - Obama's Top Secretary Chief of Staff.

  3. Wow, it's amazing to me how the commentors above can sound somewhat intelligent and informed while at the same time be complete morons. The internet has truly created a nation of gullible idiots that believe anything they read. How about you look at the sources for this "News" article. Joe's site links to "Liveleak" a video sharing site, which posted the article and links to Alalam, the actual publisher of the article. Google Alalam, it is the state run media outlet of Iran. Let me say that again, it is a news network OWNED by IRAN, an enemy of the United States and an Ally of Syria. Yeah, soudns completely legit and unbiased. There isn't a single named source in that entire article except "they". Get a clue people and do some research. I don't believe everything I read from the Mainstream News and our Government but at least I do my research and make my own INFORMED decisions.

  4. Obama already knows it is all a lie with no evidence. But he wants war with Syria to advance his agenda for our declining country which he has said before never waste a good diaster. He is using everything he can to tear down our country and telling our citizens he is building it up.

  5. Anonymous 5:24 thanks for the info on Alalam. There are many other "conspiracy theories" and for some reason they have a lot of similarities, some might call those an evidence. British Parliiament took a notice of these substantial claims and VOTED AGAINST MILITARY ACTION IN SYRIA. Now, here on the other hand we just suppose to believe to words coming out of Barry and Kerry, right? Heck NO, We the People have right to ask questions and we.want answers. Maybe you can enlighten us and try answer and feel.free.to use logic. Was there any American lives lost in gas attack in Syria? NO. Last year we had U.S.Ambassador Stevens and 3 US Marines brutally murdered and their bodies dragged through streets of Benghazi by Muslim Rebels, did we take any Military Action against Libya? NO. Did we catch the criminals respomsible for the killings? NO. If Assad was gonna use gas attack, why not attack the Rebel Fighters in their hideouts, but instead use gas against civilians on city streets?
    How would Assad benefit from gas attack on cities with majority of his own supporters and their children? Who would need mlore of the "worlds attention" in this conflict, Assad or Muslim Brotherhood? And finally When was the last time Barry or Kerry actually told the truth? Loooong time ago


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