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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Muslims: We Want Schools Closed On Our Holidays

Muslims in Montgomery County, Md., are petitioning local school officials to add two Islamic holidays that vary from year to year to the school calendar, and if needed, to shorten the “winter break” to make up for the days off.

“There is no need for any MCPS students to miss classroom instruction time if schools were to close for Eid holidays,” their petition argues. “There is a state law that mandates at least 180 classroom instruction days per year. That won’t change. If schools were to close on Eid holidays the missed days could easily be made up by slightly shortening the lengthy winter or summer breaks.

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  1. Good then move to an Islamic country. If this s*** starts to fly in Maryland will be hell to pay .

  2. We don't close for Jewish holidays! Christmas break has been changed to winter break. Christmas just happens to fall during that time.

  3. They DONT have the population percentage to do so.

  4. 12:43
    Sadly you might be wrong. Montgomery County has a huge muslim population.

  5. DON'T DO IT! If the school board votes in favor of this, fire them all.

  6. 12:43, who cares! when they start to respect our Christian and Jewish faith in their muslim countries; may we would look at it in another way. until then this would be a no go.

    of course they will NEVER respect the infidels (anyone who isn't a muslim and hasn't converted to the faith of islam).

    they should NOT receive special treatment. they have come to our country. we don't behead you here for being a muslim. get it???

  7. They tried this LAST YEAR and it failed, ALL these muslim groups are trying to change the world agenda since we have a muslim sympathizer onboard.

  8. Schools in that area close for both Christian and Jewish holidays because of the large Jewish community there. So if there is a large Muslim community there than why is this even an issue?

  9. We have MUSLIM PRESIDENT...so what do you figure

  10. I am agnostic and don't have any religious holidays. Does that mean schools should never close for my children?

  11. 2:44 because muslims do not respect women.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Schools in that area close for both Christian and Jewish holidays because of the large Jewish community there. So if there is a large Muslim community there than why is this even an issue?

    September 22, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    Because this is America and not some Muslim country. Get over yourself you liberal Dirtbag.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I am agnostic and don't have any religious holidays. Does that mean schools should never close for my children?

    September 22, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    Sounds like you've got a personal problem.

  14. Why don't we just not open the schools at all, they only teach liberal views anyway!

  15. 322 u dont have a vote.

  16. Sorry Muslim but we have seperations of church and state. That applies to a mosque also. They took away our Christmas break and Easter break. We now have winter and spring break. We can not sing any Christmas carols that have anything to do with Christ.
    Maybe these muslims should go back to the country they came from and change things so suit their needs instead of coming here asking us to change our ways.

  17. Is Islam really a religon? It is more of a political, economic and strict control system like the Nazis.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Is Islam really a religon? It is more of a political, economic and strict control system like the Nazis.

    September 22, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    Are you really that stupid?

  19. Muslims: We want you to go back to your own country.

  20. To a Christian it appears that the Islamic religion is Satan's army.
    I hope the following doesn't spawn violence to breakout but, IMHO., there will come a day when it is 'the world against Islam'. Just looking at the religion's belligerent teachings, uncompromising nature one sees not a religion but what mirrors gangs.

  21. 545, are you really this stupid? You need to do a little research before you are killed as an infidel!

    What a buyyhead!

  22. 5:45....4:52 is not stupid. Many people are discovering what Islam is really all about. You need to look into what 4:52 said.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Schools in that area close for both Christian and Jewish holidays because of the large Jewish community there. So if there is a large Muslim community there than why is this even an issue?

    September 22, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    It's better to be quiet if you don't know anything. They don't closed for Christian or Jewish holidays now, they changed Christmas break to winter break as well as Easter break to spring break. They shut down schools around Christmas because of most people visiting families somewhere else, and Christmas isn't celebrated as a religious holiday much now it's almost about getting gifts and recreating a tree. So tell me how you are correct with anything is being detailed within you sentences.

  24. I'm a Universalist. Do my kids get every day off for religious holidays?

  25. How about Rastafarians?

    Sorry for the caps, Joe, but for real!

  27. Anonymous said...
    5:45....4:52 is not stupid. Many people are discovering what Islam is really all about. You need to look into what 4:52 said.

    September 22, 2013 at 8:36 PM

    Islam is a religion and a religion of hatred and control. ALL muslims should be treated as the enemy. The preach hate and they are taught to kill Christians and non muslims. Do some research and you will find out. Soft hearted liberals are to stupid to understand this.

  28. 9:48 (hi 8:36 here). I completely and utterly agree with your description of the Muslim " religion". I was trying to assert that the religion aspect and all the "religion of peace b.s." that goes along with Islam is a farce. I don't believe for one minute that mohammed was spoken to from God. Mohammed was a sick pervet and used this story to recruit under age girls for sex and an army for his power.....nothing to do with God.

  29. Last year teachers in wicomico count were told not to schedule tests on these holidays...

  30. We should NOT cater to their "religion"! We have seen what destruction it causes and their stated goal of wiping out "infidels"...that would include all that don't convert to Islam.

    We should be as nice to them as they are to us......looking at what they have done to some of our citizens in "their" countries......would mean open hunting season on these radicals!

    I say get them while they are just starting to be influenced - don't give them the opportunity to spread their destruction!

  31. Close for no religious holidays but make it an excused absence if a student of that religion misses school on those days.

  32. Wow, some really intollerant idiots posting here.

  33. How about NOT close for ANY religious holidays! Done and done.

  34. @8:41
    "It's better to be quiet if you don't know anything. They don't closed for Christian or Jewish holidays now, they changed Christmas break to winter break as well as Easter break to spring break. They shut down schools around Christmas because of most people visiting families somewhere else, and Christmas isn't celebrated as a religious holiday much now it's almost about getting gifts and recreating a tree. So tell me how you are correct with anything is being detailed within you sentences. "

    Just because they are called "Spring and Winter" break, we all know what they are for,and where they originated. These Muslims, are only asking for the same thing. Time off, that can be used for them to travel and be with family. I'm not arguing for them, I am simply pointing out the fact that if they are denied their request, then by any reason for the denial "Spring" and "Winter" break should be eliminated.

    This is why public ANYTHING has to be secular. People will argue all day that we need to put prayer back in school... but they balk at the idea of it being a muslim prayer. People only argue to impose religiosity upon others as long it is THEIR religion. This is why our founding fathers were brilliant in forming an establishment clause, a wall of separation between church and state.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Wow, some really intollerant idiots posting here.

    September 23, 2013 at 8:36 AM

    I hope you or your family member is the first one to be beheaded on American soil and then lets see what you have to say about intolerance. By the way learn how to spell you liberal moron.

  36. go back and stay there

  37. One day, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
    Some may mock this now, but you will remember this at the time your tongue is confessing, and I can guarantee you it will, but then it will be too late.

  38. We are a Christian nation and not a Muslim nation. They should move to a Muslim nation where the schools are closed for Muslim holidays. This is getting crazy and off the hook. If they don't like our Christian holidays then please leave our country because we don't trust you and we don't like you. Have we had enough yet???


  40. And we want our countries borders close to Islam . You see how that's working screw them

  41. To hell with Muslims.., they are Satan's army and humanity's enemy.

  42. Look at history, not the politically correct high school textbook history of today.

    For fourteen hundred years, muslems have been trying to conquer the world, kidnapping and ransoming "infidels" and killing pretty much everybody including each other.

    Thank Charles Martel that you are not now owned by an Iman.


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