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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Little Boys With Their Big Toys

Salisbury Fire Department busting out the windows on the unfinished condominium, riverside.


  1. I saw that on there website and I was wondering if the owners of the property gave them permission to destroy their property. If not I would say this is trespassing and a criminal offense.

    But they are "Professionals."

  2. wth?? it wasnt on fire??

  3. You've got to be kidding about this!
    If this is true , all should be fired!
    Who TF do they think they are?

  4. They told me they were ordered to oust the homeless staying in the building. Who knows!

  5. Guess someone finally read the owners manual. Heard the "Titantic" is enroute to Ocean City for Sunfest. A couple of days late and definitely our taxpayer dollars short.

  6. A Million Dollar ghetto maker.

  7. How do I get free demo services from the city?

  8. Ready, aim, fahr!

    World's most expensive Super Soaker!

  9. lol...who had the bright idea of building condos by the ghetto. I mean, how stupid can you be?

  10. Oust the homeless with firehoses? Is this the 60s race riots?

    1. Its common practice in all the City Fire Department. Baltimore does it in these homeless people make on those mansions at a pallet in box is a white one right on out with their hoses

  11. I don't think the homeless care too much about windows. Roofs come in handy however.

  12. It had windows in place?

  13. Its called training, get over it. Another non-issue regarding fireman.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Its called training, get over it. Another non-issue regarding fireman.

    September 22, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    Look paid fireman this is not your property and you guys didn't have a right to dump all that scum infested toilet water on it.

    Joe I see the paid trolls from the Far Deepartmint are still watching your blog for damage control.

  15. Maybe the fireboat can make money by powerwashing houses along the river.

  16. Nope, not a fireman and they permission from the property owner. So again a non story.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Nope, not a fireman and they permission from the property owner. So again a non story.

    September 22, 2013 at 2:01 PM


  18. 2:01 PM if you are not a paid fireman then how do you know they got permission from the owner? I think that is what you are trying to write with your poorly constructed sentence. With this grammar you have to be a fireman.

    1. Maybe it's the liberal council vice president. She would know if they had permission or not.

  19. this is the most work that this million dollar farce has done since Salis aquired it. thanks sjd

  20. Is that the S.S. Hoppes?

  21. What's the big deal if the homeless are staying in there? The city, county or Government aren't doing thing to help these people find shelter, so they find what they can. It's not like they are doing anything with the place anyway. By the time they get around to finishing it they will have to start all over from scratch because it will be out of code and delapidated(sp?). Let the unfortunate residents stay there and keep dry. This country is becoming one big joke!!!!!!!1

  22. Has this boat ever been used for a real reason? I have seem them blow through NO WAKE zones and be generally noncurteous on the river. I even saw them NOT SLOW DOWN for kayakers and they fell into the water. Shame on you for wasting our tax money.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Has this boat ever been used for a real reason? I have seem them blow through NO WAKE zones and be generally noncurteous on the river. I even saw them NOT SLOW DOWN for kayakers and they fell into the water. Shame on you for wasting our tax money.

    September 22, 2013 at 10:13 PM

    To answer your question. NO!!

    There was nothing wrong with the previous fire boat. They even let that one sink in the river.

  24. If not already broken, those windows could have gone to the Habitat Restore. What a shame.

  25. They had permission. The windows had already been broken by vandals. The building will be demolished within six months.

  26. Another handout to the developers, free demolition step.

    I heard they added another handout to them to tonight's agenda. Any word on whether that is correct or not?

  27. Another waste of tax payer $--does it ever end, who had this brain fart idea?

  28. I was told part of the building could become the Library and other arts and entertainment..

  29. Who ever said that these guys were smart?


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