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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Pittsville Resident:

This letter states that Ms Mann will contact residents by phone if the survey is not returned. There is no place on these letters to include your name. How will they know who is sending them in and who is not? 


  1. Mrs Mann is probably applying for a social grant and needs to show low income. The county commissioners would have known this??

  2. Make this a useless document; write that you male over 2 million a year and collect welfare, and send it anonymously.

  3. Don't respond residents- this is utter Bulls***! They can get recent enough data from the 2010 US Census.

  4. Not gonna happen and obviously they don't think anyone in town can possibly have an income higher than 80,500.

  5. I'm really surprised Ireton hasn't come up with this kind of bulls***. Residents of Pittsville, this is one document to feed to the paper shredder.

  6. 752 I was thinking the same thing..about nobody making over 80,500.

  7. Why does the town have to pay to have someone else file for grant funds? Doesn't the president or other commissioners know how to acquire a simple grant?

  8. Are they not aware that at least some of these questions are illegal to ask?

    Tell the state of Md. the town is too poor to afford this task. Why invade people's privacy to do your work?

  9. why aren't they using census data? Feels like an invasion of privacy.

  10. How is the audit going Denver? How much has been stolen from the residents and tax payers of the town.

  11. He can take his letter and stick it!

  12. I wonder why the town is running short of money? Hmmmmmm

  13. Don't be foolish people, put this in the trash. Pocomoke City gets more grants than almost any other town I know, and they have never surveyed their citizens for this type of information.

  14. The sad part is that they really will contact you. My friend had this person bug the crap out of her by phone and coming to her house!!! On many many occasions. Ridiculous!!

  15. It's really simple, if you don't fill it out, the town won't get the grant and your taxes will go up to fill the void. Don't be stupid SHorebilly's.

  16. How much is the town paying Valerie for her services? She's not cheep. Tax dollars going down the toilet.

  17. 9:27
    Someone needs to replace your ChapStick with super glue so you will STHU!

  18. LOL-So how's that work? What are they going to guess who didn't complete the survey?
    Where in the heck did they dig this company up from?

  19. 9:27-What part of this post don't you understand. You are obviously a product of an inferior education. Letter states those who don't send in survey will be contacted. No where on the survey nor letter does it say to write down your name or address.
    Now go and focus on reading comprehension-DUncebilly!

  20. "Anonymous said...
    It's really simple, if you don't fill it out, the town won't get the grant and your taxes will go up to fill the void. Don't be stupid SHorebilly's.

    September 25, 2013 at 9:27 AM"

    What are you some kind of imbecile or something. Where do you think grant money comes from?
    The problem with you people and why taxes are so high is because you are too stupid to understand the concept of grant money and where it comes from.
    You people are no better than the welfare crowd.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's really simple, if you don't fill it out, the town won't get the grant and your taxes will go up to fill the void. Don't be stupid SHorebilly's.

    September 25, 2013 at 9:27 AM

    If that town, or any town, cannot get a grant without resorting to these tactics, they neither need nor deserve any grant.

    Sell your own soul, leave others alone.

  22. This is an election year in the town. You need to file you paper work to run by by October 2. The seats that are up for vote are Denver Moore, George White and Wayne Knap.
    Residents need to make a change in Pittsville and get these BOZOS out of office.

  23. Y'all seriously need to lay off the Kool-Aid. This is typical for literally all municipalities across the country. And its not an invasion of privacy, it has been upheld in state AND federal courts across the country.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Y'all seriously need to lay off the Kool-Aid. This is typical for literally all municipalities across the country. And its not an invasion of privacy, it has been upheld in state AND federal courts across the country.

    September 25, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    You are full of it. I have never heard of such a thing before.

    Which position in that towns government do you occupy?

  25. Residents of Pittsville - you see what 10:23 AM said - now get together, have a meeting and have three other people run for office so you can get these three out of there. Then, maybe, you will see some change in things. If you don't act now, you're just in for more of the same.

  26. Put down that you're black, gay, muslim, and democrat. Then you'll get the most money.

  27. Don't forget to list all your bank account numbers.

  28. It is really simple. Either fill it out and mail it back or throw it away.

  29. Pittsville needs to have all departments audited, we deserve accountability for our tax dollars.

  30. Can someone tell me exactly what "the towns comprehensive plan" is?

    Why can they not get this information from the 2010 Census that we all had to fill out?

  31. Why can't the town managers/commisioners do this survey themselves? Why do they need to buy/pay for a "consultant". If they are this inept that they can't apply for a grant, it's time for them to be removed for sheer stupidity.

  32. "Anonymous said...
    Y'all seriously need to lay off the Kool-Aid. This is typical for literally all municipalities across the country. And its not an invasion of privacy, it has been upheld in state AND federal courts across the country.

    September 25, 2013 at 10:28 AM"

    Really? Name just one municipality that does this? And while you are at it name either the state or fed case that supposedly "upheld" a plaintiff's claim that it wasn't an invasion of privacy.
    Okay-now get busy googling.

  33. According to the state manual on grants the way this is being done is incorrect. I'll quote so there is no misunderstanding.

    A comprehensive plan is something that benefits everyone so US Census is to be used.

    "For projects that benefit an entire town or city, 51% or more of the total population must be LMI. Applicants are to use the 2007 Census Update provided by the State which identifies which towns and cities that have populations which are at least 51% LMI."

    "For projects that benefit a specific service area (ie. a street or a specific block), 51% or more of the population of that service area must be LMI. To determine this information, applicants are to conduct an income survey of the residents of the service area using the Maryland CDBG Low and Moderate Income Survey Guide. This process requires households to provide information on the number of persons in their household and the total household income through a self-certification process."

  34. Uhhhhhhh, I don't think so!

  35. 12:18

    Fine, I'll respond to this. Its called the American Community Survey:
    http://www.census.gov/acs/www/ And local governments have the right to gather data in any right they see fit, thanks to the right provided under the 10th amendment.

    The court cases that have upheld this type of surveying go back to 1962: US v. Richenbacker & US. v. Sharrow

    Also, nearly every single municipality in the country has comprehensive plans. I shouldn't have to cite this, because you can just search for 'town comprehensive plan' and literally thousands of documents will be returned.

    And for those who have never heard of comprehensive planning, I'd say that Pittsville is doing a good thing by trying to educate the public about it. Its also a legal requirement. Its only been on the book in Maryland since 1927: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2013RS/Statute_Web/glu/glu.pdf

    And all of this is covered under the The Standard State Zoning Enabling Act from the 1920s. Thanks Herbert Hoover.

    And Joe, I enjoy these posts because it furthers the education of the public. Good on you for allowing all comments on this post.

  36. 12:33

    Just so everyone understands, LMI = low-moderate income.

  37. 12:49 says-
    "The court cases that have upheld this type of surveying go back to 1962: US v. Richenbacker & US. v. Sharrow"

    These 2 cases have zero to do with "this type of surveying."
    These cases are about the US Census which BTW was mandated by the Constitution.

  38. Most are failing to see the point. Supposedly if residents don't fill out the survey they will be contacted by a representative. Okay sounds good except no where on the form is there a place to put your name and address nor telephone number.
    So how does she plan on accomplishing this task?
    And why not just use census figures?
    And how is this company being paid? If it's by the hour this could explain why all this extra baloney instead of just going to the census.

  39. Pittsville needs to have all departments audited, we deserve accountability for our tax dollars.

    September 25, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    I agree. But the results need to be made piblic so the towns people can see what happened to the money while Carla Moore was employed so action can be taken. If that means press charges and lock her up, so be it.

  40. Just bulldoze Pittsville and end the drama.

  41. The town of Pittsville was suppose to have a new comp plan sometime ago. The town could not afford to pay the consultant fee ' s without raising taxes. The Town is attempting to obtain a grant and have Hired Valery Mann to write the application for a grant to pay for the Comp Plan.
    Pittsville operates with a lean budget. there is no town manager. The President of the council is the unpaid manager. He ia not a grant writter, nor should he be. The President of the council and all of the Commisioners are unpaid. Pittsville needs the comp plan to continue to receive a little state finding. answer the questions , no name required. Send it in and you may get a free comp plan that would cost the tax payers a lot of money.
    Fill out the form , it makes sense.

  42. How about towns and municipality's living within their means. Say NO to "grants".

  43. "The President of the council is the unpaid manager. He ia not a grant writter, nor should he be"

    Oh so they've got the It's Not My Job attitude? That's lovely.

  44. The Town needs to come clean & tell the tax paying citizens how much Carla Moore stole, why she isn't being prosecuted, & how the town is going to recoup the stolen funds END OF STORY!!!! The Councilmen are self serving cowards!!!!

  45. politicians that work for free? what a concept. bet they got something out of it.

  46. this not only involves Carla but her pop Denver too. I understand he continues to have keys to the place and plead ignorance. Any check that he signs, he should know what it is for or question it. If he was doing that this would never have happened...he is as guilty as her.

  47. The president/town manager--Denver is not unpaid....
    he is on the town insurances...he got money for the vehicles they bought from him instead of buying good vehicles from the car dealers in town to support local business
    oh...it was just easier to line his pocket!!

  48. who takes care of the towns maintenance? general lawn care etc. at the water plant? follow the money---->

  49. Wonder if the town of Pittsville paid for the new BBQ set up I saw him with at Lowes in the spring?

  50. Vote Denver out!! New people in!! Please folks of Pittsville... get rid of the good old boy!! Put people who willreally look out for our town and make sure the books are right!

  51. Wasn't all of this stuff covered by the census?

  52. they cant even get their water straight. If you go to station 7 restaurant, ask for a drink with no ice or it will taste like someones swimming pool with so much chlorine. Vote in some new people and let them be held accountable.

  53. how can you be "required by law" to mail your personal information to another citizen's private residence (aka grason lane in fruitland?)? If this is supposedly official, then make it official... an official survey on the municipalities letter head and returned to the municipality, etc. Not some half-baked crock someone typed up and copied at home on their ancient Xerox machine. This looks 100% like a scam.

  54. If they want some money get George Whited and Big Head Powell from the PVFC to sell the bricks and sign out frt of the fire dept which the taxpayers purchased. The taxpayers paid 30k for the sign and another 5k for the mounting. Looks like that would have paid for alot of wilburs fees and maybe a survey or two.Or better yet get Ted Fartlows sons who both have a IQ of a einstein genius to figure out all this mess.


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