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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Maryland: Minimum Wage For Employees Could Increase To $12 An Hour

Montgomery County is one of the nation’s wealthiest counties, and it’s now looking to promote its lowest paid citizens by increasing minimum wage to $12 an hour.

Councilmember Marc Elrich says that $12 an hour may sound drastic – but it is desperately needed.

"The better the wages are at the bottom, the less money the government is spending on social programs, [and] the less bureaucracy you need to administer social programs," he said. "It's like what's not to like about this from any political perspective."



  1. Marc Elrich is certainly clueless about about basic economics. Just shake my head whenever a politician touts support for measures that have historically proven to add to the unemployment of young people.

  2. The point he's missing is better wages at the bottom means less jobs! You force employers to pay higher wages for lower skilled jobs and unemployment will go up.

  3. If it's such a win-win deal, why not raise it to $30.00 per hour?? Make that $50.00 per hour... Then people wouldn't need to be on welfare.!!

  4. You know who is behind this? Costco that's who. They lobbied intensely for this hike. $12 an hour is nothing. It's still peanuts. All this is going to do is drive out more mom and pop independent businesses which is the goal of Costco.

  5. What do you expect from a Maryland politico? All they know is money comes from nowhere, and they don't feel the pain when taxes go up and jobs go overseas. Cut taxes and that will create affluence. Raise the minimum wage and watch the jobs dry up. You can't teach some people.

  6. The councilman proposing this must have filled his cranial cavity to the tippy-top at the waster water treatment plant's inlet pipe!!

  7. Minimum wage needs to be tied to welfare benefits, in as much as welfare benefits equal around, what, $16 per hour? When working is more profitable than welfare and food stamps, the trend will reverse.


  8. "Minimum wage needs to be tied to welfare benefits" Or, maybe welfare benefits need to be tied to minimum wage - as in BELOW minimum wage.

  9. Ahh, the downward spiral of liberal policies. Soon Maryland will just be Detroit on a larger scale.

  10. Is this guy for real? Only an idiot could come up with something as stupid as that.

  11. I smell more layoffs and higher prices!


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