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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Boehner’s Syria Surrender

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) indicated yesterday he trusts President Obama to carry out military strikes against Syrian government targets as punishment for that government’s alleged use of poison gas against its own citizens.

“The use of these weapons has to be responded to, and only the U.S. has the capability,” Boehner said after President Obama feted him at the White House. “I’m going to support the president’s call for action and I believe my colleagues should support this call for action.”

Boehner’s decision is already hurting his standing in his own political party, further embittering rank-and-file conservatives who accuse him of being a weak leader. Boehner’s action amounts to siding with the same administration that lied its way into war in Libya, tried to cover up the deadly fiasco in Benghazi, Libya, and that even now sides with the Islamofascist terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.



  1. tammy sue Boehner needs to resign. no more rinos...

  2. This war is not about chemical weapons at all. it is all about Assad not allowing Qatar to build a natural gas pipeline through Syria to flow to Europe, as well as Assad not letting Saudi Arabia build a pipeline through Syria. Libya was about preventing the use of the gold dinar versus the American dollar. Obama , Democrats and RINOS have soldiers blood all over them for personal monetary gain. It has always, will always and is now all about oil or gas.

  3. Boehner is turning out to be a sissy. I think he is afraid of being criticized for standing up to Obama. Obama's Middle East foreign policy is insanely stupid, with no guiding ethic. The guy needs to put down the golf clubs and learn something about the world he thinks he is leading. Boehner, you're a girl!

  4. Trap and ck Mate to Oscama...what fools.

  5. How quickly you turn on your own people.

    1. that's where you're wrong Alex we stand up for what's right not like you Democrat

  6. You people are mindless. This isn't about war, it's about responding with a bitch slap to an insane dictator that used sarin gas on innocent civilians,,,you know babies, women, children. A response of force (bitch slap) is the least we should do. This act by a madman must not go unpunished.

  7. Interesting how the libbies are saying the babies, we need to protect the babies.

    Yet here in the U S A they (meaning the liberals) advocate about a million abortions yearly.

    Such hypocrisy.

  8. 5:50 dittos. also to 5:19, where in the hello have you been? this certainly isn't the first time gas has been used on citizens around the world. what about the 120,000 that have been slaughtered in the past 2 years in Syria? many of these were women and children as well. I could go on and on here but to save time; why do we pick and chose our battles like this? because there is usually an ulterior motive. don't be so naïve.

  9. Republicans are caving because they wouldn't dare vote against anything that benefits Defense contractors. Lots of money to be made.

  10. WE THE PEOPLE/ on 09-11 we will rally at the Route 13 by-pass over Route 50 for a Impeachment meeting...be there you allSeptember 4, 2013 at 7:38 PM

    They forget who pays their salaries...

    1. Which Bypass? In town? Make sure you have 2 good cameras, at least. I Will come if Joe comes.

  11. Cant be there. Have to work. But ill be ther in spirit. GO FOR IT.

  12. Everyone is ignoring the fact that UN investigators are saying it was the rebels that used the gas. The U.S mainstream news keeps parroting misinformation.

  13. Remund me...what branch of the service did Boehner serve? Heres a clue...the same as Obama, Biden, and Cantor.......NONE

  14. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 4, 2013 at 9:33 PM

    Well, I kne Democ-rats were the Crooked Bastards, but as we can see some Republicans are in on it as well. Just remember to Vote These Crooks OUT.

  15. Anonymous said...
    The Libertarians need to open up now with their platform and candidates. There is no R/D for me this year. Let's all vote away from the standard R/D crap we're offered up with every year!

    September 4, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Maybe you should try it sometime instead of being a Kool Aid drinker all your life.

  16. Anonymous said...
    You people are mindless. This isn't about war, it's about responding with a bitch slap to an insane dictator that used sarin gas on innocent civilians,,,you know babies, women, children. A response of force (bitch slap) is the least we should do. This act by a madman must not go unpunished.

    September 4, 2013 at 5:19 PM

    Are you talking about Obama?

  17. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 5, 2013 at 2:15 AM

    5:19 What dictator did what, got ANY evidence? Oh, Barry & Kerry said so, right? I would believe to O.J. Simpson before I believe those TWO CROOKED LIARS.

  18. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 5, 2013 at 2:27 AM

    So let me just get this straight - Assad could of bomb poisen gas on those Rebels in the mountains, but instead fire those rockets into the city streets with kids whose parents are mostly his supporters. Ok, that makes sense. And why? To be more popular and have US bomb him, Ok, that makes even more sense. Thanks to Barry & Kerry case solved,, no need to worry, they already made their minds. It will be pretty sad when we drop bombs on wrong people while the real culprits laugh in their caves.

  19. We should merely support the refugees, half of which are children. Let the other bastards do with one another they will.

  20. Boehner has no integrity, no values, no honor or character. In simple terms he is gutless and will cave each and every time.

  21. USA! USA! USA! "...be the first one on your block to have your kid come home in a box." Country Joe and the Fish. He was right 45 years ago and still is.....YOU go to war. THEY go golfing. Or play poker. Or buy defense stocks. 8:45....way to SMACK that ace!!!....


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