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Sunday, September 08, 2013


Joshua Luke Delp
(September 3, 2013) – On August 30, 2013, at approximately 11:45 a.m. Ocean City police responded to the 1700 block of Baltimore Avenue for a report of a burglary in progress. When officers arrived on scene, Ocean City Police Communications advised that the victim was actively holding the suspect down on the floor at gunpoint. The suspect, later identified as Joshua Luke Delp, 31, of Sinking Springs, PA, was quickly placed under arrest.

The victim, who is not being identified, stated that Delp entered through the unlocked front door of the unit then walked into the victims bedroom where he assaulted the victim. The victim then struck Delp, grabbed a shotgun which was hidden nearby and asked a roommate to call the police. The victim was able to hold Delp until police arrived.

Delp has been charged by Ocean City police with fourth degree burglary, third degree burglary and second degree assault. He was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on $10,000 bond.


  1. part of his conviction should be a 5 year ban from Ocean city

  2. 0'gay 0'Malley wants to disarm youSeptember 4, 2013 at 2:11 PM

    Does Obama know a home owner in Maryland still has a gun?

  3. PA has been representing this year in OC.

  4. Another Pennsylvania problem.We definitely need the Border Patrol at the Mason Dixon line.

  5. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 4, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    Good Job, kudos to homeowner. But don't tell about it to OweMalley and Biden. According to them homeowner should of avoid confrontation by leaving his residence and call the police. And ONLY in case of imminient danger you may be allowed to fire a warning shot in the air without pointing at the criminal.. Thats only if your gun has not been confiscated by the government of course. Thank God the gun didn't go off, at that point they would make criminal a victim and homeowner would be arrested and his gun confiscated. Welcome to OWE MALLEY LAND

  6. he probably will be banned. i was once in worcester co. courtroom when a guy from PA was on trial for peeing in someones yard and knocking over their mailbox. in addition to fines and unsupervised probation he was forbidden to come to worcester county for 5 years.

  7. Should have shot the SOB now its going to cost the taxpayers !!

  8. How can burglarizing an occupied residence and assaulting the occupant only get a $10K bond??
    Whatya gotta do to be considered a danger to the public????

  9. Released?? Really? That is unbelievable.

    Agree with anon 5:06. Should have sent him to his grave. Save everybody a lot if time and hassle.

  10. Won't he have union representation? If he's paid his dues to his Burglar union they should provide him with an attorney free of charge.

  11. This piece of garbage will not show up for court and now another unknown victim will feel is wrath. The justice system at work.

  12. Wow. No one knew that dirtbag was there...why call the police?? Duct tape his mouth, hands, and legs, spread a sheet of plastic out and have a few days of fun with him. Want to scream? Go ahead. I'll scream with you, just for laughs. But YOU won't be breaking into any one else's house. Forever. Think of the money saved! And future victims relieved of victimhood. Its a win-win. And kinda of fun, too.

  13. I'm surprised. I interrupted a 19 yo raping my 15 yo daughter and held him at gunpoint until the police arrived. They confiscated my gun for one year and told the rapist that he had a year to bring assault charges against me if he wanted to. They let him go because my daughter said she invited him in through her window and since he was a couple months shy of being 4 years older than her, it was not Statutory rape and let him go. It took me 6 months of paperwork to finally get my gun back after the year was up. This was in Salisbury, MD.


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