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Sunday, September 01, 2013

I Took This Picture This Weekend In OC


  1. I took photos of bumper stickers on two cars at the marina in Cambridge on Sunday afternoon. One said, "I (heart) Obamacare" and the second said, "Obamacare - Signed - Sealed -and Delivering". I can send them to you if you like.

  2. Their tags are either expired or they can't follow directions as to where to place the stickers.

  3. The only thing Obama cares about is where his next vacation is going to be

  4. The "s" is missing between the "a" and the "c"!!!!!!!!

  5. And their tags expired in 2009. Genius!

  6. Where's the question mark?

  7. Only for himself and his cronies.....

    Look what he's done to the working class - and what he's trying to do to the upper class!

  8. I'll have another Kool-Aid please

  9. Welcome to the Eastern Shore now go Home.

  10. I saw another one recently that said
    " I luv obamacare"

  11. 11:49
    Appears to be a direction following problem with the month/year reversed...should we be surprised?

  12. Obama Cares alright. The only one Obama Cares for is himself. He could care a rats - a>>>> about anyone other than himself. Just look at how he and his wife live.

  13. I agree with all above. Obama not only doesn't care about anything, he is a disgrace to America and congress is a disgrace for not starting impeachment proceedings against him.

  14. The expired tags proves my point about BO supporters. BO supporters fall into categories-dishonest people who approve of his dishonesty and lies, the irresponsible sponges who are so GD dumb they can't figure out how to make it on their own without the government handing them over some kind of pittance and the low IQ people who are fooled easily.
    This person falls into the irresponsible category.
    This person's opinion is about as worthless as the contents in a cess pool. Someone who hasn't enough responsibly to keep their tags up to date is a low life.

  15. obama cares about taxing your every dollar im sure this person would rather drive that scion and pay taxes than have a benz

  16. I am not sure how to get the picture to enlarge so I don't know how you all are seeing the expiration on their tags?

  17. Is that a Subaru that guy is driving? If it is you know all Subaru drivers voted for Obama.

  18. Michael Reagan was estranged from his father the whole time he was in the White House. Ever see him in any family photo's at that time? He has no more idea what was going on than any ordinary person.

  19. 10:53
    Duh,That car is a Scion, what political stereotype can your high powered intelligent offer about it's owners?

  20. 10:52 Just left click on the license plate. It will enlarge. With that bumper sticker it's very possible that that plate is from another vehicle.

  21. Anonymous said...
    10:52 Just left click on the license plate. It will enlarge. With that bumper sticker it's very possible that that plate is from another vehicle.

    August 27, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    I did, but it did not get any larger? Anything else I should do? Maybe it's my IE?

    So true about the plate being stolen.

  22. 9:48
    Hold down on the CTRL button and tap on the (+) plus button. That should enlarge the picture. When you are finished use the CTRL and (-) minus to put it back to where it was.

  23. You should have gotten an marker and wrote under Obama Cares just like Hittler cared


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