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Sunday, September 01, 2013

How The Hell Do You Put Honorable In Front Of Her Name


  1. I wish I could understand why trash like Hillary Clinton is called honorable.

  2. If she had that face with Bill, Monica would not have happened. Thats all that mouth is good for.

  3. Hillary for Prison!

  4. she will be the next president of the united states

  5. she is no more honorable than a turd. any woman who would fall down and lie for any man is nothing more than a slave. it's gross the way her head is stuck up men's butts. she's weak and obama knew it so that's why he made her SOS. Obama puts all weak women in so called power postions-rice and irs woman more examples because weak womem obey and do as they are told and don't question just like slaves.

  6. 7:50 yes, our country voted in the disgrace we have now so she has a good shot of becoming president.

  7. Those words will haunt her the rest of her political life! Remember Benghazi!

  8. Yes 7:50 because people are literally stupid and don't give a rat's rear end past a video game and food.

  9. Those crazy Christians who attacked that embassy, castrated, sodomized, then burned the ambassador, and murdered everyone they could find, should be hunted down and killed without mercy. These violent and fanatical followers of Christ should be shown, unequivocally, that these actions are INTOLERABLE. Ooops. I'm sorry. They weren't Christians. Which explains the silence, lies, and inaction by the worst president in the history of the USA.


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