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Sunday, September 01, 2013

The 10 Deadliest Jobs

The 10 Deadliest Jobs:
1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related fishing workers
3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
4. Roofers
5. Structural iron and steel workers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
10. Construction laborers


  1. #'s 1,4,and 7 are my picks.

  2. Oh, so where is police and firefighters, they would tell anyone they are the men that put their lives on the line the most, and need to be paid for it!

  3. 11. Jody Arias' boyfriend

  4. At one time the Flight Deck of a NAVY Carrier was the most dangerous. Been there/Done that!!

  5. What! No Firemen?

  6. Great call, 4:12. Seems the ones who spout off the loudest can't even approach the statistics monitor! I never see/hear anyone on that list even mention the dangers or risks in their line of work; they just keep their mouths shut and do their jobs every day.

  7. That list is actually the top ten professions most like to have 40-100 rounds shot AT them by the people who tell us what a horribly dangerous job they have ( you can scratch your knuckles or even strain your back handcuffing women and then macing them or dragging an 80 year old women out of a car to body slam them, face first, into the blacktop). And beating unarmed drunks to death in a ten against one attack can be VERY tiring. Maybe this year (I doubt it, though...) the police will not only publish how many cops died, but ALSO how many of US they killed, too. Don't hold your breath. THAT figure might start a revolution...

  8. The Navy has refined procedures and added safety measures to flight ops. The deck of a carrier is now only dangerous to those who don't follow proper procedures.

  9. 5:23-I assume you've seen the video of the guy on an aircraft carrier getting sucked into the jet engine? He actually lived.

  10. Police are number #1 in being murder victims. All of the top 10 deaths are accidents. Not murder victims.

  11. 8:15-The way I read the article it's not just accidents. It's work related deaths including acts of violence. It's not just work duty related accidents but work related.

  12. And, 815, ...... your point? Maybe that that "murder" thing happens so rarely that the job is not in the top ten danger list? What exactly are you saying? Dead is dead tomorrow morning.

  13. 6:16 You are an idiot. People like you are what should fuel a revolution in mandatory sterilization. The top ten list are death by accidents, probably who never saw their death coming. An unfortunate set of statistics but better than being burned alive or shot in the face, protecting the public from animals, and gasping for your last breaths. People shot by the police may try not committing violent crimes or having a firearm with them at the time of commission of a violent crime. Those shot and killed by accident by the police are a terrible occurrence and a sad reflection on the state of our lawless society. Police fear being shot and killed by lawless criminals and with good reason. Anytime you have people sitting around, playing video games about killing people, drinking and using drugs, selling drugs, carrying firearms, listen to music about death and drugs, and kids growing up with parents who sell drugs, while we, the tax payers fund them, we are going to have a society based on socialism. Those who sponge off society and suckle the tit of the hardworking tax payer create these problems. Not our law enforcement officers who protect society from anarchy and risk their lives doing it. Most people wouldn't last five minutes in a lawless, anarchist society. Police officers deal with the bottom 10% of society, deal with other peoples problems, domestic situations, and horrible crimes inflicted on others daily. Most people could never handle being a police officer and using the amount of personal restraint they use on a minute by minute basis while adhering to strict guidelines on handing volatile situations and then getting reprimanded for not wearing their hat when engaged in a violent fight with a criminal. Police officers are a necessary evil (meaning it's unfortunate that society requires policing, not that the police themselves are evil) in society but, a necessity none the less.

    Read some books, smoke less dope, get a job would be my recommendation.

  14. According to stats. 2002 , fire fighters are 87 out of 100 picks.
    Police are 16 out of 100 picks.
    Salisbury firefighters are about 990 out of 1000 picks.

  15. To 5:23 - Navy Flight Deck

    I have seen a man split in two by a catapult cable used for launching aircraft. You are right - an aircraft carrier top deck has to be one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet.

  16. What! A farmer has a more dangerous job than a Farmin? Now we know who is underpaid and overworked.

    God Bless the farmers!

  17. 6:16....That would be "MR. Idiot" to YOU. Restraint by police? Read some books? Drug use? No job?
    As a cop, you should be well aware of the THOUSANDS of court cases, complete with video and POLICE records that document the beatings, extortion, robberies, protection (and robbery) of drug dealers, felonious assault on HANDCUFFED, restrained, and unresisting citizens. RESTRAINT?! To answer your OTHER idiotic accusations, I've had the same job (well paid, too) for 16 years. I'll put my IQ up against YOURS any day. I have more books in my house than you have TOUCHED in your whole life. And MOST people DON'T want to be a cop. Its NOT the respected and honorable profession it USED to be. Now its just the destination for short little men and women who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, but are REALLY tough when its 10 against one. Further, most people don't need the police or want them around -- they can be just as dangerous as the local Crip gang. Finally, answer the question that I've been asking for years --- as a cop, what did YOU do when you witnessed another cop commit a crime (like punching a citizen in handcuffs, or using mace on a crowd of women, also restrained and compliant)? Your silence is deafening.

  18. Still waiting for that answer....

  19. C'mon. Isn't there ONE COP who can truthfully answer why you think the law doesn't apply to you? Just one? LOL! Silence. From the most dangerous gang in America.

  20. Must be the top 10 getting shot by the Cops! Makes sense... just use drugs and showing tools as an excuse. Facts and statistics don't lie, 11:35. All of your Blowhard BS doesn't change facts. You see, facts are problematic to those who push agendas!


  21. Imclain I think you were spanked!

  22. Unfortunately, I don't check this blog every 5 minutes so I can rant on and on and on like you about idiocy.

    In every profession, including policing, there are some bad people. It is an unfortunate fact that police are people and therefore have flaws. The vast majority of police officers function daily and do not break the law as you suggest.

    There have been dentists that put women to sleep and then molest them. Does that mean you are afraid to go to the dentist and let your teeth rot out because you are afraid of being molested by your dentist? Of course not, because the vast majority of dentists do dental work and don't molest their patients.

    What exactly is your solution? To do away with the police? Society can not police itself. A lack of policing would result in instant chaos. Police keep society safe from itself. What is your answer to solve criminality? No police? Brilliant.

  23. The police are a necessity in society -- I've said that several times. But we don't have police anymore ---we have overbearing, militaristic, overly aggressive, short, and trigger happy cops. 3:52, your analogy is WEAK. What's my answer to your question? Firstly, other professions don't have the legal authority to kill us with little to no consequences (being suspended WITH PAY for killing a kid is NOT quite what most citizens would call "consequences") PROSECUTE cops who shoot people in the back, rape women, beat unarmed people TO DEATH, and turn small matters into unjustified murders. And stop letting cops investigate cops. OTHER criminals don't get to have other criminals decide if they did something wrong. Putting 80 rounds into a man who is already down and not moving is okay with you? Have police stop acting like storm troopers who take no sh!t and think they are public MASTERS and have them act like SERVANTS. And finally, DENTISTS don't kill hundreds of citizens EVERY YEAR. And when a dentist DOES kill a patient, he usually loses his job and/or goes to jail. Find a better example...oh yeah--- I'm STILL waiting for the answers that no cop can give me 1) what did you do when you witnessed another cop committing a crime? and 2) JUSTIFY stopping 563 (!!) INNOCENT citizens to find THREE criminals. Perhaps you aren't aware of that document that cops are SUPPOSED to understand and be familiar with (the Constitution) What do you thugs want next? Authority to go house to house LOOKING for criminal acts (who needs a warrant or probable cause or any evidence of a crime anymore, huh?). Spanking. Act II.


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