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Monday, September 09, 2013

Dems In Disarray Over Syria

While President Obama is plenty busy in Russia today trying to build international support for his call to strike Syria, he’s been doing some long distance diplomacy back home as members of his own party recoil from his call to arms. Obama called senators to drum up support for military action. The White House has also ditched a scheduled presidential trip to Los Angeles next week in order to keep selling in Washington. Obama heads home today, but Secretary of State John Kerry picks up the ball overseas, departing for Lithuania this morning for coalition building after a series of confrontations with Congress. With Republicans uneasy about the overall strategy, a crumbling Democratic coalition poses problems for the president’s plan.



  1. This is what happens when you give a Nobel Peace prize to someone who didn't earn it.

    The international community should be ashamed as should every liberal democrat who supported him.

  2. like the guy said, where ever I read it... he said if it wasn't syria then we would be doing it elsewhere...

    Point is, no matter what, we will be in a war or conflict...

  3. oh like someone else pointed out, I think it was germany...

    Why do we have to go in and do it, and why do we have to do it alone? When this is a international thing and the UN should be involved...

    That right there should tell you, that there is a higher power than the pres of the USA and that people want us in war for whatever reasons, to make money, to make a world government who cares, the point is we will be in a war soon enough with someone... anyone...

  4. 2014 is around the corner


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