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Monday, September 09, 2013

Effort To Defund ObamaCare Tries To Regain Its Momentum This Week

Conservatives will take their defund-ObamaCare push back to Washington, D.C., this week with an event to rally support and combat a wide shift in focus away from the issue.

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and a slew of House members and Tea Party leaders will host a rally Tuesday to pressure leaders not to pay for healthcare reform in the next bill to fund the government.

The anti-funding movement, which dominated headlines at the beginning of the summer, has not gained enough support to assure victory as Congress enters a series of fiscal negotiations over the next two months.



  1. If he totally fails on Syria his momentum on Obamacare will be impeded somewhat-I hope.

  2. Go on-line to "de-fund Obamacare" and sign up

  3. For good or bad, Obamacare is the law of the land. Republicans have wasted countless hours, weeks, months and years dreaming up new ways to try and destroy it. Does it have problems? Yes! Maybe if the efforts spent trying to defund, repeal, ruin, take apart, destroy had been channelled into how to ease implementation we'd be in a much better place. We have nothing to show from the republican side of congress except fear mongering. All members of Congress should roll up their sleeves and work to HELP their constituents. I AM a Republican but am sick of all the time lost and wasted on pointless political maneuvering.

  4. OK. Defund Obamacare or parts of Obamacare. Then what?? Go back to everyone without insurance getting free emergency room care anyway? Who pays for that? How does any of this really help the situation going forward?? What is the plan if Obamacare is defunded?

  5. Why isn't Andy Harris leading the charge on this?

  6. 514 & 526 have obviously not read the bill. I have, and I did before it was passed, unlike those who voted FOR it.

    905, you need to tune in to Mr. Harris more often. He is leading the charge on this.

  7. 6:54. And your point is?


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